Sunday 27 June 2010

The Frog in my pond !!!

It's almost midnight and here I am doing late night watering, locking the shed and tidying up the garden furniture when I hear a noise from the pond. Quick as the flash on my camera I point the torch in the direction of the sound and click ................and here is my little visitor.... Mr (or Mrs) Frog. I've not seen him since first thing this morning, I thought he had gone......................


Art Sunday; Sally Swatland

This is my first art Sunday for a while now, sometimes life just gets in the way and other things take over. I’m hoping my life can now return to ‘normal’ or at least as normal as it ever gets and this is what I’m hoping for . A few nice, long, lazy stress-free, hot summer weeks where I can relax and actually enjoy taking the grand children for days out to the beach and such like.

(b. 1946)

Memories of Summer

Sally Swatland was born in 1946 in Washington, DC and moved to Greenwich, Connecticut when she was seven. Her father was a successful attorney, which allowed her family to spend long periods in the countryside with many vacations at various seaside locations throughout the United States. She shared a passion with her family for beaches, sunshine, and fresh air. Most summer days were spent at the beach playing in tidal pools, chasing minnows, collecting shells and exploring.