Friday 13 February 2009

Snowing in my Garden

At last the snow has found us.We seemed to escape the worst of the weather for so long but for the last few days the snow has found us. We had one day where it snowed a little and then stopped, the next day it was like a blizzard and then this morning.................snow every where, all shining in bright sunlight.


  1. Yup, that looks suspiciously like snow and winter to me....very pretty pix.

  2. I especially like this one. I can imagine iddy biddy eyes opened reeeaaaall wide and going BRRRRRRR

  3. I think this is the one for me. Fortunately it looks like it will melt quickly. The quicker the better suits me just fine.

  4. hehehe looks like my house-good fotos will be back later to look more

  5. they are all very nice and what a memorie right-
    we have snow again to ugh

  6. Weve had some unseasonably warm few days but the weather man says snow is coming again. I love your photos, snow may be cold but it is always so pretty.

  7. Excellent, a snowy valentine lol :)))

  8. thanks folks..................I'm just so happy to have a pretty garden again. My garden has looked so dark damp and uninviting for so long its wonderful to be able to look out at something pleasant and inviting.

  9. I think I like this one best because you can actually recognise it as my garden fence..............made attractive with a covering of snow.

  10. and this one which looks like lace.

  11. I agree, Loretta. What lovely decorations!

  12. I love the way the snow accentuates the shapes of the branches and other objects in these. Beautiful!!

  13. It was really coming down, wasn't it? Some of those flakes look huge.

  14. Beautiful snow pictures! I love the way you captured the falling snow.

  15. yeah, in MINE too but yours is far more unusual!

  16. all great snow pictures, loretta,,i've not seen any this year, and at this point, that's ok with me!!!

  17. A great moody picture. It reminds me of something that would grace the cover of a novel. I like book cover illustration so this sort of picture would be a good one, with the right fictional content I reckon.
