Friday 2 December 2011

Climate here is now officially bonkers. Today, the pond had a thin covering of ice for the first time this year........ok so far, nothing weird about that. Next to the pond, out of no where bloomed a single daffodil !!.......... I don't think I've ever had the first ice AND a daffodil bloom on the same day before.


  1. Thats nothing. I have Himalayan poppies in bloom. And Hollyhocks coming into bud.

  2. ahhhhhhhhhhh but do you have the icy winds and night time frosts to go with them ??

  3. The winds yes - 2nd frost of the season last night. The first was in September :o)

  4. yep..................icy winds, ice on the pond...........and one so,.solitary daff in full bloom.... weird or what??

  5. Weird. Im a wee bit worried it augurs a harsh march. That will REALLY screw the garden up.

  6. Rather odd. On rare occasion we have had bulb flowers come up here (Michigan, US) when we have had a cold spell, then a warm spell. Not autumn crocus, those are supposed to come in autumn, but daffodils and snowdrops.

  7. The biggest problem we've had in these parts is the drought. No meaningful rainfall since last spring.

  8. Strange that, for sure; however in my part of the USA (Maryland), it is not unusual for bulbs to break ground in December, before the first hard freeze of the soil. That is more common in the late winter, after a week or so of unseasonably warm and sunny weather while there is still snow or ice on the ground. The poor bulbs do get confused. Ten years from now you will probably be growing orchids in the garden in Autumn.

  9. Its not that unusual for the crocus to forget what time of year it is.............but I've never seen daffodils at this time of year. And.. I've got loads of daffodil bulbs planted in the garden.. so why on earth one should one solitary daff decide to bloom and not al the others.

  10. Someone else in another post mentioned daffodils blooming.

  11. lol... Frank I don't think any amount of climate change will allow for orchids to grow in my garden...........

  12. thats you remember who??

  13. we are having th same weird weather--my roses are bloming my carnations are still going strong

  14. The weather certainly is out of whack. Yesterday started with a frost, then the sun came out and it warmed up nicely, then at lunchtime the clouds swept in and I had gale-force winds and torrential rain for the rest of the day.

  15. lol

    i feel better about our weather now

