Thursday 8 December 2011

OMG..............whats the wind like where you are? I was almost blown of my feet crossing the road, I've got a couple of slipped roof slates already and I've had to store as much as possible from the garden in the's not even 5 yet, this is going to be a long and scary night.


  1. Thank goodness ours is much better--but we had orcan style winds yesterday--
    put my back out righting a tree grrrrr hope it stays quit tonight

  2. Windy here too! Delivering papers this afternoon. It should be fun!

  3. oh this is not good Heidi...........wind like this could really do some damage and its so scary. The thing about snow and cold and ice is that they are silent....... You can sit indoors with the fire lit and curtains drawn and not really know any thing about it till the next day, but no one can ignore this wind. I'm not afraid of thunder storms, I watch them from my window...........but this wind, scares the shit outa me.

  4. Very windy here. Phoenix can hear it howling down my chimney while we talk. I kind of like the wind though...............:)

  5. last night we had some very strong gusts. it is still a bit breezy, but thankfully nothing like it was last night. the hardy potted palm was blown over this morning.

  6. It's been pretty calm in Kansas. Normally, we have the high winds this time of year. Bundle up and be safe. Flying slates can be deadly.

  7. Jeez Loretta, I heard that you're really getting slammed up there!! Down here we've have had winds of 55- 60 mph with stronger gusts, but it's dying right off now, but I heard it was much worse in Scotland. Stay safe!!!

  8. thanks's still raging outside, doesn't seem to be dying down at all my windows and door are all ratteling and they don't usually do that.

  9. the worse is supposed to be over by 7 tonight but its 6.30 already and its still raging outside. All major bridges up here are closed .............but looking on the bright side, maybe I'll get tomorrow of work, quite a few of the schools are closed,

  10. The big bridge over the Cleddau river was closed for a time and the ferry crossing to Ireland was cancelled. The wind has started to pick up again the last half hour, although not as powerful as earlier.

  11. our november here was extremely windy-windier than normal-stay safe-hugs

  12. Hope it dies down soon. We're having our Christmas weather, which is fog. If it isn't fog, it's rain.

  13. Really, weirdly enough my sister thought it was windy up by where she lives but I didn't think it was that bad down here by the lake. Lake Ontario that is. Not the biggest but one of the Great Lakes never the less. We are located in Toronto. My sister lives in what they call the city above Toronto in a place called Vaughan. She is farther north and it is colder the farther north you go. The lake usually keeps us a little warmer the closer you are in winter and in summer the cooler. Plus, we aren't in the snow belt and seem to be protected from Lake effect snow.

  14. We had wind last week but calmer now.
