Sunday 29 January 2012

taken over the last week.

I've been trying to look for something nice in every day, and if I can't think of any thing then I go out and try to find something that looks good. One morning every thing was covered in frost. Another morning the light in my bedroom took my eye as I woke up. Then of course there is the sky and sea, always good for photos. I've not really done a lot of night time photography, my camera isn't good enough, but on that night it was raining so hard all the lights were reflected in the wet road. The last one is my little nest of rocks, pebbles that caught my eye on the beach and before that; a garden decoration which so far, I've not put in the garden. It was bought in a discount store, cost me very little but caught my eye. I like it indoors so much its not made it outside yet.


  1. i really like this one

    i can't say why but i do


  2. did I , in fact I liked it so much I didn't get up I stayed in bed looking at it and only got up in the end to find my camera........

  3. enjoyed the photos-those clouds are awesome!

  4. Oh I just love how you caught the silhouette of that bird.

  5. I like the clouds too Kathy.............I think we are very lucky here to get such beautiful cloud formations.

  6. Wonderful! Light through the drapes, on the books, just the sort of picture I would like to take.

  7. I would love to take credit for that.............but my eyesight isn't good enough, I hoped to catch one of the birds landing or taking off....but in the end it was down to luck.

  8. nice thought...........but rain drops on the camera I'm afraid..............I tried to keep the camera dry but it rained so hard that was impossible, then I realised it could look quite good. The street was quite magical that night.

  9. Love this!
    Love all of them actually.
    This suits my mood right now though :))

  10. then you must be in a good place right now...........hope you are well..........

  11. The arrangement is like that in a nest...a nest of rocks.

  12. yes that what I call it, my nest of rocks...........

  13. the weather was really horrible, cold wet and windy.............but it made every thing beautiful...........much better looking than it usually is at night

  14. This looks a bit like an aurora borealis. Did you happen to see any a few days ago?

  15. This is perfect for your garden-

  16. no I wish I had but I'm afraid by the time it was visible i was indoors, doors locked and curtains drawn...........shame you can't predict it like the new moon then I would know when to leave my house to look at it.

  17. I understand why.............every one seems to like this, I saw this while still in bed and just stayed there for a while looking at it.

  18. thats exactly what i thought..................I was lucky, it caught my eye in a 'pound shop''. Now that I've had it in my living room for a few days, I don't want to put it't make up my mind.

  19. I think darkness adds a whole new dreamy element to a scene. Things often take on a new look.

  20. Nice shot. Frost makes a great photographic subject.

  21. Love the solitary crow, accident or not :-))

  22. There's something appealling about a chink of sunlight, with the promise of more.......

  23. That's a really nice shot :-))

  24. Love the reflections of the street lights on the wet road.

  25. Looks good just where it is :-))
