Thursday 26 January 2012

Trumps fight against the wind turbines.

To cut a long story short…………..there are plans to build 11  huge wind turbines (supposedly 64 stories high) a mile and a half off the coast of the Menie Estate. If, they get built – and it looks like they will – Donald Tramp will have excellent views  of them from his golf course, from his clubhouse, from his hotel and from the luxury housing he plans ( planned)  to build around the site. As he says himself, the turbines are going to be 64 storeys high. You have to understand  Mr tramp is completely selfless in his quest to have this project stopped. His objections are purely on behalf of the Scottish landscape whose flawless beauty he is committed to preserving. I’ll bet you never knew the man was a conservationist, apparently he is. So upset, was he, by the potential damage wrecked upon our precious landscape that he is quoted as saying
 “Speaking both selfishly and as somebody who loves Scotland, the birthplace of my mother, I hope that the mistake of building these massive and visually destructive power plants is avoided. Don’t be misled. Your coastline will be forever ruined. Your wildlife will be devastated. And your valuable tax revenues wasted.”
How nice that he cares.
Unfortunately for him, and of course for the future of our coastline and wildlife, his friends in high places who supported his non damaging and non invasive onslaught into our environment, are no longer his friends when it comes to the wind farm.
Developing renewable energy is one of THE most important policies of Alex Salmond’s leadership. Previously, Salmond has been a Tramp supporter in the golf course saga. However, no golf course, however grand, is likely to have any where near the support of a renewable energy project. To Mr Tramps utter bewilderment, Alex Salmond is offering zilch support in his protests over the wind farm. Maybe poor Mr Tramp doesn’t read the papers, maybe he didn’t realize there’s not a lot the Scottish government takes more seriously than renewable energy, and the jobs it will offer.
Now Mr Tramp is apparently threatening to abandon the whole golf course project if ( when) the wind turbines get the go ahead. Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

Read the whole thing, it’s a good read.


  1. that was interesting, why can't they put the huge turbines somewhere as not to destroy a beautitul landscape

  2. Then I'd say to get those modern windmills built as soon as possible. No doubt Scotland would make many, many people very happy, on both sides of the Atlantic, to pull the rug (pun intended) out from under the Donald and watch him fall flat on his ego. Even if his money wasn't involved, the only energy that he is interested in is money making fossil fuels.

  3. I'm with Frank!! Build those turbines!! Quick!!

  4. Trump is a turd...that's all I got on this one. Turd.

  5. I asked my husband to do a little bit of math for me. He says that, at a mile out to sea, they would visible, but hardly the eyesore Tramp envisions. More like sticks in the distance. That would not destroy the landscape for me at all - but the D wants a totally pristine horizon. As if he owned it.

  6. Btw, he is not infallible as I so often remind him.

  7. "You have to understand Mr tramp is completely selfless in his quest to have this project stopped." Love this statement and also the title of the newspaper article.

  8. Who cares? Trump is just a loud mouthed tosser of no consequence anyway, screw him and what he wants lol

  9. I can't say that I'm a big fan of bird mincers but, if you're going to build them then a mile out to sea wold suit me fine. As Bennett has already said, at a mile out to sea they'd not be intrusive at all.

  10. exactly my thinking.................but then I'd vote for anything that would get him and his dam golf courser away from us.

  11. Thats what I thought................but I also think we should keep that to ourselves, if he has visions of these things towering above his golf course and frightening away his happy golfers...............who am I to disillusion him.

  12. I's not your sand dunes he's destroyed or your local wildlife habitat he's trashed in order to create his fantasy golf course for the rich and famous.

  13. I could be wrong, but I think your average low cost aircraft minces far more birds than those wind turbines. I know some people really don't like them, but they don't bother me, especially if they take the pressure off fossil fuels.

  14. I think you missed the point Loretta, besides which they are my dunes, it all belongs to me

  15. Auch, you mustn't take me too seriously when I call them birdmincers Bennett, it's just my way. You'd see square kilometres of the things back in Germany and I don't mind them a bit. I'm given to undertsand that somebody's suggested painting coloured bands on the blades to make them more visible. I'm not sure if that's true or not but, maybe that would help.

  16. This is all good news to me. Not only do I support renewable energy (and I quite like those 'giant windmills') but if it has the added bonus of making that shithead Trump go away in a massive hissy fit, bring it on!!!

  17. Ohhhhhhhhhhh I don't really care if its true or not, of course I'd like to make it safer for the birds but even without the birds..........I LOVE the idea of painting them all bright colours. I'm having visions of giant coloured windmills all over the landscape just like those little coloured plastic windmills sold for children to wave a sight........when can we start painting.
