Saturday 31 January 2009

Song Saturday; The Times They are a-Changing.

Song Saturday;
The Times They are a Changing.

I went into Dundee today to meet a couple of old friends for lunch. We had a very pleasant time reminiscing and getting reacquainted but I was shocked at the difference I saw in the town. There were so many shops closed down and boarded up, there were even more shops in the throws of closing down sales. I noticed two shoe shops with notices in the windows to say that the shop was in receivership. This so-called credit crunch, the world recession, call it what you like, had, until today happily by-passed me. It had made no direct difference to my life. And today I noticed that, as the song says…………….The times are a-changing.



  1. I grew up listening to Dylan, both to his popular songs and the lesser known, such as "The Lonesome Death of Hattie Carroll." I have had Dylan songs played to me and for me and I have played them myself. His voice is not dulcet; it has been described most unflatteringly. But, in many ways, he is the only person who can sing the songs he wrote. It is not music to be melodic, it is music for a generation of change.

    Today I went to a small Italian store that specializes in Italian pastry and breads as well as various olives and spices unobtainable elsewhere in my area. In past years it has been packed on Christmas Eve and New Year's Eve day as people buy party cakes and delicacies. This year it was almost empty on the holidays. People are not spending or buying for parties there. I can't have it go down! So each time I go there, I buy things (pasta, rice, oil) that I could surely get cheaper at a big supermarket, but I buy them at my bakery so it may be able to stay afloat. Perhaps if we all did the same...

  2. I agree with Bennett about Dylan's voice and that his songs are meant for his voice. I was not a big fan of his when he was at the top of the charts. I really didn't start listening to his music until after hearing him with The Traveling Wilburys.

    As far as changing times, aren't they always? I don't much like change, probably now just a creature of habit. I am saddened by the number of speciality shops that are closing every month here. We are reduced to what we call 'box stores', large lower priced, high volume stores like Target and Walmart. It has really become difficult to find those special items like Italian pastries, British biscuits and French cheeses. I did find a cheese at Target called Ile de France brie, it was made in Ohio, USA.

  3. Forget Mahler, I find it necessary to own every tune Dylan ever recorded. A Genius for our time. He is primarily a poet, a very gifted & lucky one who found his audience. Like all the greatest poets before him, his words rang true with his fellow humans. I find it funny that I have had both my parents AND my children ask me to please turn down the volume during a Dylan song, lol.

  4. Yes, a very appropriate song. The only news we hear is bad. Spain has the highest unemployment rate in Europe - 15%.

  5. Thanks folks...............yes I'm a total Dylan Fan too, I've got old vinyl records of his from the late 60's and 70's. From your comments I think maybe this recession affects us differently. I haven't noticed the small specialty shops closing, we have a lovely delicatessence come coffee shop in Arbroath that seems to be thriving. With us it seems to be the household names, the high street stores that are going under. We have lost Woolworths, Barrets the shoe shop and several more. The only difference it's made to me personally is the value of my house has decreased. But since I had no intention of selling even that makes no real difference to me. Makes you wonder how much worse it is going to get before it starts to get better.

  6. Really sorry to hear that Brenda, I didn't know unemployment had risen so much over there it must make things very difficult especially for those with young families. I did know there are a few problems in Spain at the moment though because two weeks ago a friend of mine, she is disabled and walks with a stick, was mugged and had her bag stolen. The thief ripped the bag right off he shoulder. The police said this is becoming more and more of a problem at the moment. the whole thing is just very sad.

  7. I find that I'm compelled to listen each time the song 'The Hurricane' comes on pop radio (which is often on at my place in my writing ambience). Like Frank said the songs are meant for his voice and that well known one certainly was, bringing to mind the peculiar way he says the word 'mur -der' in the song, that is pure Dylan. I have been meaning to read a biography of Dylan for a while but I have some others to read before I get to that. I read one on Jim Morrison and the Doors that I found very interesting and I thought I'd continue on with reading about famed music personalities that were had a uniqueness.

    About 7 years or so ago I took the train into Melbourne, when I lived on the mainland, and I was amazed at how it looked, as much of it seemed so shabby. I hadn't been into the city for years and to see all those closed shops was a shock. As soon as the government brought in the Goods and Services Tax (GST) here in Australia, the economic times certainly changed in my country. For the worse, need I add.
