Saturday 22 August 2009

There can't be mny people left who havn't read this; BUT, just to make sure no one is left out, here it is again. Please go read it, I think you'll find it very amusing and enlightening.


  1. It's not open to anyone other than contacts .

  2. I'm not his sorry don't know why you can't see it.

  3. Maybe you're a friend of a friend. . . . Here's what it says -- Astra is sharing this blog entry privately with his friends and family on Multiply.

  4. Thank you Loretta, a great link, I left a comment and Astra replied. Good stuff for a sopping wet Saturday.

  5. I am not directly connected to him, but I did get there.... and had seen it about a week ago.... good to revisit... lol... thanks for the link....

  6. If you or some others here like it so much, maybe you should copy/paste it here .

  7. yeah thats what I thought Frank...............its a great little read

  8. Hi Mo......................yeah..............brought a laugh to my face, I've been back a few times.

  9. why not just ask the guy if you can read it, he said its ok to leave links but not too sure I'd like the whole of my post done as copy / paste

  10. I found another way to view it . . . . .nothing more than one guy's atheist I might add which precludes him from seeing things as the majority of OUR country, not yours which slipped into secularism long ago . Sleep tight Ms. Foreign Intruder .

  11. This is sooooooooooooo funny. OMG. But also an intelligent deconstruction of some of the weirder stuff out there.

  12. Hi Bennett................yep I thought it was brilliant the first time I read it, this one is worth passing around for every one to read.

  13. Do you know why this note and some of your blogs are so stretched out?

  14. Oh dear lets hope this is not the start of things going weird idea why this is stretched. Which of my other posts are stretched??

  15. Some people are better at gardening than politics. . . . .that's fine, just wish they knew it .

  16. Just the Pre-marriage ceremony one. I thought it was stretched out due to the number of comments and video postings.

  17. The URL is stretching it, no weird problems with the note. This is the same URL reduced to a smaller font, or you can break it into two lines.

  18. thats odd Bennett because I've been and checked and this is the only one that looks stretched to me. I thik maybe this one is stretched because of the link at the top

  19. thanks Frank, I deleted the original link and left yours and it doesn't seem to make a difference

  20. maybe best not to worry about it, I think it is that link and I've tried altering it but maybe we just need to put up with a stretched note.............its only this one.

  21. the link is the same, but your font is still larger in the opening one...therefore it takes up a wider space
    maybe a smaller font would help

    I cleared my cache and refreshed the page, so the differences would show

  22. Nice to have it all addressed in one reasoned well thought out post with links to the facts which rebut the fallacies.
    Thanks to you both.

  23. you aer more than welcome, I thought maybe most people had already seen this but now i'm glad I left the link cos it seems quite a few people have not seen it before. It's one of the best i've read and it must have taken ages for him to sort out all those links and back up every thing he says.

  24. loretta your post reads fine here and nothing is stretched

  25. patrick if you would like to read the blog let me know and I will copy and paste it for you okay-star

  26. I went to his other site and read it . Thanks anyways .

  27. Thanks to you and Mimi for the link.

  28. Atheists number around 35 million (self-identified Christians are around 40 million).

    With near-equal numbers and with the First Amendment to our Constitution precluding the establishment of a national or 'state' religion, this statement is incorrect on several levels.

    I'm not 'precluded' from seeing anything.

    In fact, I've got better vision than most...

  29. Atheists by definition are precluded from seeing the light and the truth .

    And your numbers are ridiculous lies . . .. Typo ?. . . did you think you were gonna get away with that ? LMAO

  30. LMAO!!!!

    I'm certain, Patrick, that you'll 'enlighten' me.....

  31. Actually, those numbers are accurate - far from 'ridiculous lies'.

  32. I'm gonna give you another chance to review what you claimed . . . .. and if you don't admit you're mistaken, I'm gonna quickly show how you intentionally misled people to the max .

    Your copied claim -- "Atheists number around 35 million (self-identified Christians are around 40 million)." -- I rarely see anything more completely bogus .

  33. Enjoy your life, Patrick -- believe me, I'm not interested in a neener-neener discussion with the likes of you....

  34. ****Attention All Of You Who Believe And Look Up To What Astra Has To Say *******

    Astra has claimed -- ""Atheists number around 35 million (self-identified Christians are around 40 million).""

    That's such a ridiculous lie I decided to first give him the opportunity to correct his 'error' thinking maybe it was a typo .

    Astra decided to stand-by his claim .

    Well now it's time to expose him and his lie . . . . .Any one of you can google the info and you will see that anywhere between 75-80% of our population of over 300 Million is Christian, putting the number at OVER 225 MILLION, not 40 million. . . not even close .

    This was an obvious attempt on Astra's part to mislead each and every one of you .

    It's one thing to have differing opinions on various topics, but quite another to lie, and then lie again about factual and historical numbers that are so easily accessible .

  35. excuse me you two but would you mind taking this outside :-))

  36. He lied here , he should be exposed here .

    Funny how you're concerned about where we talk about it, rather than being concerned about his obvious lie to you and all your blog viewers.
    Anything to avoid the truth huh .

  37. there are times Patrick when you can be an extreamly irritating little man,

  38. Yes, that could be true . .. .but it's still incredible that your focus is not on the lie from Astra.

    People with morals would be outraged about such a blatant lie .

  39. One more thing to say on the topic -- I know it feels bad to have your trust betrayed .
    No one likes to learn a friend or confidant has been intentionally dishonest with us .

    But you shouldn't feel bad . You oughta be mad . Mad for being betrayed .

    Think about it . .. . .Astra felt he could lie to all of you and get away with it.
    He knew he was lying .
    He had so little respect for each and every one of you that he thought you were stupid.
    Too stupid to know or check if he was lying . He felt he owned you and was better than you.

    That's what oughta really make you mad . His total disregard and lack of respect for every one of you .

  40. Enough is enough Patrick I have asked you nicely to take this outside, your friend had the good manners to do as I ask but not you.
    I usually find you amusing but now I'm bored with you Anything else you post here will be deleted.

  41. (...holds his hand up.....)

    "Uh....he's no friend of mine!...."

  42. I find it incredible that you deleted an honest reply that didn't contain any offensive language .

    I also think you are being disrespectful for your viewers by trying to hide the truth from them .

    Therefore, I'm reposting what you deleted so that others may read it and decide for themselves. . .rather than you controlling what people see and think.

    And if you delete this one I'm not only gonna block you, but the next time I see you post any reply to any political blog I'm gonna remind people of how you censored what you know to be the truth .
    Think about it this time . I made good on my promise to Astra and I'll make good on this one too .

    My reply that got deleted --

    "One more thing to say on the topic -- I know it feels bad to have your trust betrayed .
    No one likes to learn a friend or confidant has been intentionally dishonest with us .

    But you shouldn't feel bad . You oughta be mad . Mad for being betrayed .

    Think about it . .. . .Astra felt he could lie to all of you and get away with it.
    He knew he was lying .
    He had so little respect for each and every one of you that he thought you were stupid.
    Too stupid to know or check if he was lying . He felt he owned you and was better than you.

    That's what oughta really make you mad . His total disregard and lack of respect for every one of you ."

  43. figure of speach my friend....................nothing personal

  44. Yawn.......delete.........yawn.......
