Sunday 25 April 2010

Proposals for the Papal visit (lol)

A young, intelligent, oxbridge educated,  imaginative young man with an impressive sense of humour who works in the Foreign Office sent an internal email with suggestions for the planned Papal visit.  These included, amongst other things, the Pope opening a help line for abused children, launching his own brand of condoms and blessing a gay marriage. The Foreign Office has issued an official apology saying they are ''appalled'' by the email which was very ''disrespectful'' toward the Pope.

May I, on my own behalf, since my Foreign Office do not represent my views, issue a statement of my own.

I find this young man (who ever he is) rather amusing and I applaud his bravery.  AND;  I am appalled at the disrespect the Pope has shown toward abused children within his church. I am also appalled at the  millions of lost lives that could have been saved if the Pope had sanctioned the use of condoms in the fight against AIDs.
 AND..........homophobia under any guise is appalling and disrespectful


  1. philip pullman for pope lol
    loretta you are just magic...i wanted to post something but was too scared to
    one hundred percent behind ya lol

    am wondering if he will come here at all but he's very good at sweeping the rubbish under the carpet and hiding his head in the sand...maybe he is blissfully unaware of the feeling he has aroused over the last few years...and will trot on across the channel like mr magoo

  2. blessings to you, my friend! you are an absolute GEM. blessed be, namaste!

  3. Good for you, Loretta!!! I think what has been happening in the Catholic Church is appalling! To allow abusive priests to remain in the priesthood while condemning consensual homosexuality is one of the reasons I am glad I left the church years ago.

  4. Agreed!!

    Perhaps the Foreign Office, along with many other countries, should apologize for staying silent for so long, when the abuse has been known Internationally for decades. I can't remember once hearing that a Government has ever confronted the situation. The official silence yet continues. Are the politicians concerned about losing the Catholic vote?

  5. Very well put Loretta. Couldn't agree more!!

  6. Thanks for your support here, I did hesitate before hitting 'post'...........but then I just thought oh to hell with it.
    Frank I have a feeling there is more to this than immediately meets the eye. The young man in question has not been sacked, he has not even been named, he was apparently moved to another department, which to me means his 'crimes' were not that bad and/ or he is far too important to lose. Also; I think the foreign office could prevent such a sensitive 'leak' if it really wanted too, lets face it, if they can't even stop a simple leak from their own department we are in pretty deep trouble. All of which leads me to suspect the apology is more diplomatic than sincere and feelings against the Pope and his involvement in covering up child abuse runs pretty deep. If this proposed visit actually happens it could turn out to be quite an embarrassment
