Tuesday 2 November 2010

Britain, France sign landmark defence pact http://www.globenews24.com/EN/news,britain-france-sign-landmark-defence-pact-afp2 Hopefully this will mean decreased American influence and increased European influence on all things military . France opposed the invasion of Iraq but at the time Britain was more inclined to follow America than listen to our European partners...............


  1. I'd like to see this become successful in my lifetime and see more of the EU embrace such a pact.

  2. Personally, I'd like to see Britain detatched from the USA AND Europe...

  3. well.................total Independence is another debate I think.
    but given the present situation and set of circumstances and the fact that total withdrawal from Europe and/or Independence from American influence is a very low probability, I know who I would rather align myself with.

  4. me too, apart form any other consideration, a more united Europe would offer a political balance to America. interesting to note that Europe as a whole has more of every thing...........power, people, land and wealth,. than America. Not that any one over that side of the Atlantic need worry just yet, Europe struggles to agree on any thing so a united front is a long way off.

  5. we have had that pact with France for a long time so why is this such news
    doug Britian needs Europe or it will strangle itself it already is in a precariouse position or why in heavns name did the brits make a pac with there enemy france lol they need the money and help with arms

  6. lol...I think the media have exagerated this in the way media does, In Scotland France has never been the enemy.. The ald alliance'' between France and Scotland goes back to the middle ages
    and yes, a severe cash shortage is forcing closer ties within Europe.........not a bad thing I think

  7. right loreta with all countries short on cash they could and should pool their assets and save in the long run and it is better for European peace :)

  8. And what good became of the invasion of Iraq? Just look at what's happening now!

  9. a huge mess and billions in debt and a lawless corrupt country even S.H. did better
