Saturday 23 June 2012

Garden 2012 no 11

GARDEN 2012 N0 11

It’s Saturday 23 June, and still raining. Woke up this morning and the news said; ‘serious flooding throughout the country’, guess I’m lucky to be free from the floods but we have had serious rain over the last three days. The news went on to say, ‘this could be the worse summer on record’,  ‘COULD BE’?? I feel that’s a little optimistic, as far as I’m concerned it already IS the worse summer on record.

But it’s not all bad, we have had the odd day or two, even the occasional week, where the weather has been lovely and I’ve been out in the garden.

The first photos were taken mid may, we had some bright sunny days, the skies were blue, the garden was warm and the flowers were in bloom.
The primroses and bluebells covered more ground and flowered for longer than usual, the pond looked especially good last month; I had more blooms in the pond than I have ever had before and the London pride was better brighter and more prolific than last year.

And then a bit of a setback, some local kids were playing in the street and jumping over fences. What ever game it was they were playing involved jumping over fences, climbing on shed roofs and running in and out of gardens. They trampled a corner of my garden and some of my plants were ruined.

I was really upset but when I went out to see what I could salvage, the damage wasn’t as bad as I thought.  We had weeks of rain and I thought I would never get out in the garden again, but when I did eventually get there, I found the rain had stimulated growth and the garden looked like a jungle. I lost a lot of seedlings and small plants, they were washed away but those that were strong enough to withstand the wind and the rain actually benefited and had a growth spurt.
I’m now picking a couple of strawberries every day to eat with my cereal in the mornings,
the beans and onions are looking great and  I’m eating fresh lettuce, radish, nasturtium leaf and assorted herbs every evening.
I’m also getting a regular supply of rhubarb every couple of days.
The spinach took a long time to establish, I thought I had lost it several times but now its looking good.
The potatoes will be ready to pull soon; I hope to get these ‘earlies’ up in time to put another lot of ‘lates’ in.
I’ve replaced quite a few of my herbs this year, I bought new ones but I also cut back the old ones and took fresh cuttings.
I have an established patch of Tansy and Curry Plant; they are doing very well this year, they look quite similar but are very different.

And I have flowers, in no particular order and not highly cultivated but flowers they are.

School finishes next week and (weather allowing) I’ll be out there more often and hopefully get the last little bit dug over ready for another small veg plot next year. I’ve already salvaged a whole load of bulbs from the last tiny area I dug over and I expect to get at least as many again.
Oh...........and I decided I liked this so much, I bought another

But for today……………the weather is awful and even if it wasn’t I’m booked for babysitting. I’ve packed my bag, packed my paints and I’m going to try to get some serious painting done over the weekend. My granddaughter is 11 now and I'm hoping she will amuse herself while I get on with the serious business of painting.


  1. The garden is looking fabulous. I hear that this year is the wettest drought on record. You're doing a grand job Loretta with great results, nice one!

  2. Thanks of the things I really look forward to in retirement is spending more time in the garden. And congrats on winning your own battle with the authorities.:-)

  3. your garden looks great even with all the poor weather-we are the opposite-extreme heat and no rain

  4. The garden is looking splendid!! The vegetables and herbs seem to be enjoying all the extra water!! The strawberries are doing nicely too :-))

  5. Heuchera is a wonderful addition to a garden, dependable, survive winters and are easy to care for, mine are now 20 years old. I'm not much of a fan of the flowers but the foliage is lovely.

    Everything looks just great. The strawberries and radishes are loving that rain.

  6. what happened to the tadpoles?

    everything looks very good all things considered

    the strawberry and rhubarb look delicious


  7. Your garden is lovely and I'm glad the kids didn't do too much damage. Your cloud looks like the Loch Ness Monster with its tail chopped off!

  8. Your veg garden is awesome. I could learn a lot from you. Perhaps, you could let me know your veg plan so I could make better use of the space. My sister made some really cool bean structures and we got some interesting new plants like a blueberry bush for instance.
    I bought a bunch of stuff but space is always an issue.
    Too bad about the kids but I'm glad to hear it wasn't as bad. We haven't had that much rain so I've had to water but tomorrow it's supposed to rain.
    I hope a good gardeners rain.

  9. Hi Kathy, I would happily send you some rain if I could, and I would love some of your sunshine, if only it were that simple :-)

  10. Thanks Frank, when I wrote this I couldn't remember the exact mane of the plant, but yes, I really like them too. I love the colours of the foliage and I think it deepens and becomes richer with age. I may even get a few more if I can find space for them

  11. I'd love to be of help if I can but I'm not an expert. I've had this garden for over 10 years now and its only in the last couple of years that I've really started thinking about growing crops and making the most of the space that I Ihave. I used to have my daughters and grandchildren here for family BBQ's but now they are all settled and if we have family time it tends to be in their gardens not mine. This used to be a family garden with grass for the children and space for their toys and a little pool. They have outgrown that now, they tend to go to the park or the beach if they are here and as I get nearer to retirement I've decided to 'reclaim' my garden for my own use. Thinking about space is very important. Maybe I'll draw out a little plan and show you how I cram so much in and what my ultimate plans are for the space.

  12. The tadpoles are just fine Nemo, they are getting bigger but they are not developing legs yet. I think maybe that's because the weather has been too cold for them to develop. I'm hoping they will start to grow their legs soon and leave the pond.

  13. LOl.............thanks ..I took that photo because I thought it looked like a galloping horse with its legs tucked up underneath its body.

  14. i remember following their progress in the local ponds as a kid
    i can not remember how long the cycle took

    they should help with bug control when they are grown

