Monday 11 June 2012

The last couple of weeks

The last couple of weeks.

Last time I posted here I said I was off to Ayr to visit my daughter for the weekend, that was a couple of weeks ago and I seem to have been busy ever since. The weekend was wonderful, daughter and grandson were great,

we took the dog Daisy to the park and gardens of ‘Oswald House’,

we also took the ferry over the Isle of Aaron

,and of course we spent time at the stables with her horse Bertha.

I’m still working extra hours at work every day to pay back my time off but it was worth every second.

Last weekend was my much anticipated meeting with the coffee shop manageress who offered to display my art. The meeting went really well. She took a total of 11 pieces, she is asking rock bottom prices and if any sell she will take 20% commission but it’s a start.
I love the venue, it has a peaceful, calming atmosphere and every one is very friendly. It’s a new business, a coffee shop plus alternative therapy centre and gift shop. Anne-Marie, the manageress wants to encourage and promote local arts and crafts.
She sells beautiful  jewellery made by a local housewife, there are individual hand made greetings cards by a young local lad, hand made candles and soaps and of course paintings and drawings. I’m the third local artist she has taken on. She is also advertising for me for commissions for portraits (people or pets).
My appointment at the coffee shop was early,  9am Saturday morning, which gave me the rest of the day to do other things. I couldn’t afford to get the canvas paintings framed but I did take some of my drawings to a man in the high street who does framing and mounting.
He also displays and sells work by just a couple of local artists.  He put some of my pastel drawings in mounts, backed them and then wrapped them in cellophane, its amazing what a difference that made.
Anyway………….my daughter gave me a lift to the coffee shop with my work and helped me carry every thing, she saw the drawings that had been mounted and said she wanted the portraits of her dog that I did a while ago mounted in the same way. So; I took her dog drawings to the same man and he was very impressed with them, apparently he likes drawings over paintings and particularly likes pastel drawings, especially if they are pet portraits. I get the feeling this man could prove to be a valuable contact.
After taking the dog drawings into him for mounting I went into another local coffee shop. I know the owners of this place, it’s a local coffee shop with a difference, it’s a coffee shop combined with a second hand book shop. It’s a registered charity, a non-profit making organisation which promotes the use of fair trade produce. They put all profits from the coffee shop back into community projects like music evenings, film shows and suchlike. By the end of that visit I think I had volunteered to start a community book club in the shop AND the owner offered to display and sell my paintings.

SO;………..within one weekend, I’ve gone from never displaying or selling any of my art, to displaying in one coffee shop, producing more paintings to display in another coffee shop and making contact with a local man who frames and mounts work as well as showcasing local artists.

This is like the fulfillment of a prophecy. I’ve recently become estranged from a (previously) very close friend. We didn’t argue or fall out or anything, she just resigned from work and now that we no longer work together she seems to have distanced herself from me. Initially I was quite upset  but another of my very good friends told me that some people come into your life for a long time and some for a short while and we shouldn’t feel bad about this. She also promised that when one door closes another always opens. What a very wise friend she turned out to be because that is exactly what seems to be happening. My friend from work seems to be leaving my life but new people and opportunities seem to be opening up to me
And that, in a nutshell, is what’s kept me so busy these last couple of weeks.


  1. WOW........lots of goings-on with you, Loretta! congratulations and my very best wishes for your art sales - what an exciting time this must be for you!

    i'm so sorry about your long-time friend's choice to distance herself. i know it always has pained me greatly, when a friend has done that. i hope your friend will come around, if that is what is meant to be.

    but how wonderful, you now have new friends and activities to fill your life in a very positive way!

    you must have heard me thinking about you today - i am so glad you posted a catch up.


  2. wow! ~ that is a lot

    first ~ hi daisy!

    second ~ the kids are getting sooooo big!

    third ~ the art looks great with the mounting

    it is really cool that you are making all these connections
    things really seem to be popping for you right now


  3. thanks Deb, yeah I've found this a bit difficult, this woman was a really good friend, we worked together every day for about 7 years, she used to come to me almost every month for wine and take away and a good chat and catch up, it was a great friendship. She has had lots of problems in the last few years and I've always supported her, things all became too much for her about Christmas time and she eventually resigned, since then she has kept in touch less and less, now I hardly ever see her or have contact with her..........But now I've taken the advice of my other friend and accepted that not all friendships last a long time. Like you said..............I seem to have lots of new things going on in my life now which i should be grateful for.

  4. Hi Nemo :-)
    yeps kids are getting big and the dog is cute.........I have to do a drawing of her and Bertha for my daughter.
    Things really do seem to be happening for me right now which is great, I'm on track for setting up my life ready or retirement.

  5. wow a talent i adore you about..

  6. Your post inspires me and illustrates how life is ever evolving! Congratulations on all of the much deserved attention for your artwork. Hugs!

  7. it all sounds wonderful Loretta-congratulations!!

  8. Glad you had a good visit with your daughter. Daisy the dog is just beautiful. I love that breed. It seems your friend is totally right about one door closing and another opening. I'm so pleased for you that everything seems to be going so well with your artwork, but not surprised, it is very good!!

  9. I love Daisy too, but then I'm a dog person. What can I say about your paintings except that I'd be happy to have any one of them on my wall. I'm so excited for you!

  10. That is outstanding news, you must be so very happy. And yes, when one door closes another one certainly opens.

  11. I'm so pleased for you that everything is going well with your artwork. I am a 'browser' and love to look and buy from the small shops and craft fairs, so many new treasures to be found.

    I like your family pictures and of course Daisy is a star, just love dogs.

    I would very much enjoy taking the ferry and visiting the Isle of Aaron.

  12. Glad to hear things are going well and that you had a good visit.

  13. thanks, I'm finding all these changes surprising and a little disconcerting, but its quite exciting.

  14. Thanks Brenda, Daisy is a pretty special dog, she is lovely and very popular with every one around here, I'm going to paint her soon.

  15. Hi Bernard................this 'one door closes and another one opens' business is news to me but I must seems to be working.

  16. Frank, the ferry was quite an experience, there is something almost primeval about crossing the water and watching the land getting closer and closer. I'm very aware of how ancient these routes between the Islands are, people have been crossing these waters in boats made of little more than animal skins for virtually as long as the mainland has been inhabited.
