Saturday 24 October 2009

A Farm For the Future..... HAVE FOUND THE MISSING FILM!!!!!


PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE….. even if you never manage to watch another documentary in your life watch this one. It will take a while, it’s an entire TV programme and lasts almost one hour. BUT, it is in 5 parts so you don’t have to watch it all together. This is the film I was raving about that I watched at my sisters (in this recent blog)

and said I couldn’t find it on youtube…….. well, I was wrong and here it is.

This is for every one who cares about gardens, plants, our planet, our food, our farms, our future, and our huge horrendous dirty great big eco-footprint.

BBC documentary on the present global farming and food crisis, filmed in the UK.
Featuring Martin Crawford (Agroforestry Research Trust), Fordhall Farm, Richard Heinberg and others.

Topics covered are the influence of oil on the food production, peak-oil, food security, carbon emissions, sustainability and permaculture.


  1. that was very interesting
    my grandson's future will be different then mine

    the thought that kept going through my head was "well i knew that"
    but that thought got me wondering "how?'
    i grew up in a housing development shaped like an oval
    all around this was old farm fields and woods
    the fields had mostly gone back to scrub
    these scrub fields and woods were my playground
    besides tarzan swings, skate-ponds and play battlefield grounds
    it was a place to explore
    i watched birds and animals
    i ate wild fruits and nuts
    i tore apart dead logs and searched under leaf litter to find the bugs within
    i climbed the trees to see the secrets up high
    the bird and the wood louse were my friends
    i knew all that the people in this show were talking about
    i have seen it and it makes sense


  2. I only watched #1 (yet) but already one thing makes me mad. Those people are the farmers who gives us the food we eat and they can't earn a living form their farm? Where have we all gone wrong that someone working hard physically can't earn as much money as someone in an office?
    Or was I wrong about the sustainable farm part?

    Watched #2 and #3, my, do we have a lot to worry about. We sure have to stop the plain worry thing, we'll have to act.

  3. I've had a quick look at this interesting blog and I think you should post this to Jungleblogs as well me dear.All my farming neighbours have second jobs, one is a long distance lorry driver simply because he can't make enough money to live on by running a very busy farm-animal food prices have (at least) doubled in the last 18 months and vet fees are mind numbing and these are just the tip of the iceburg problems that face the farming community today. 'I'm going into the garden to eat worms.'

  4. Thanks for finding it. Gonna have a look later on.

  5. I watched all, thanks a lot, that's very interesting.
    I had to look for permaculture. I try to do something like that on the balcony by composting (about 40 kgs waste/year for 1 person that don't travel to the dump), using rain water as much as possible. My next big thing will be a rain water tank for watering the plants. I already bought the hoses at a bargain.
    Also, like the lady in the movie, each year, I'm astonished how much 'wild life' visit the balcony : goldfinches, robins, house sparrows, blue tits (I know, the name is quite ridiculous but the critter's so cute ;-D) black birds, sometimes crows and magpies to drink from the water through, ladybugs-ladybirds, butterflies, spiders, snails and slugs (I wonder where those come from?) caterpillars, bees...
    It is also very comforting to see that Nature claims back the land when possible. Not as fast as we'd like but...

  6. Wow -- great find! I just linked off to 350 -- never could find a local event going on .... just know it's out there somewhere. Right now the sun is shining, all day breeze is blowing and it's raining!

  7. Beautiful food for thought, Loretta! I'm ready for a change, arren't you? Back to the Garden!

  8. yep..............I felt that a lot of the time but somehow having it all spelt out so clearly brings the message home and pulls every thing together

  9. thanks for watching the whole garden is very small but like you I intend to do what I can with the resourses available, a water but is a fantastic idea, have been thinking of getting one myself and I know what you mean about the wild life, thankfully my garden seems to attract the birds and insects too and it is so lovely to sit and watch

  10. very interesting videos, and it seems that we have gotten away from nature what was intended in the first place.....not much hard labor, but working along with nature at it's best.

  11. I was also very interested in the 'Victory gardens' concept. I think it is still up-to-date.

  12. Thanks, Loretta. This is one documentary that's worth watching again.

  13. For some unknown reason these clips won't stream properly for me. It's taken nearly 15 mins to get through the first two minutes of the first clip. Gonna look them up on YT, see if they will stream better directly from their site.

  14. Yeah weird things keep happening to me too but it's all on youTube anyway. OR..... sometimes if I have a problem I try swapping back and forth between Firefox and IE, sometimes if something doesn't work on opne its ok on the other. Hope you manage to see this cos its really worth the effort.

  15. Im looking forward to watching this but probably won't be able to till Thursday as I have to work an odd schedule this week. Thanks for finding it.

  16. Hi Loretta, I'm hoping to watch these later this afternoon or tonight. I got raided by company. lol I'm also hoping that this is the one I watched a while ago that just knocked my socks off as far as the life that's hidden in the dirt alone, and how plants, soil, etc all live in communities.

  17. These were great. Posted a note telling more folks to watch them.

  18. Thanks................I was impressed whenI first saw it, glad you liked it. I have a tiny plot of land but i've been thinking about the best ways of using it.

  19. I think I have already seen these which is why I am feeling so excited to try some new gardening techniques. I want to practice with the co-op I live in. We already have some standard sized trees so I think I should start from fruit trees and work my way down. I have an area in mind and as long as the other members can be convinced that permaculture is the way for the future and we could try to provide food for our co-op. We can do a lot in a small area.
    Right now the hubby and kids are watching a movie so I'll have to wait to check out the video's at a later time to make sure I haven't missed one of them.
