Saturday 24 October 2009

Saturday 24th october 2009

Today started out cold but dry. My friend came for me and off we went, the idea was to find a sheltered spot on or near a beach and paint a cold day by the sea. Virtually as soon as we set off the rain started, it became steadily worse and worse and worse. We had a wander along the beach and took a couple of photographs of the sea and the rusting old winch machinery used by fishermen in times gone by. As far as the eye could see seaweed lie strewn along the beach. Not just little straggly bits of seaweed; hundreds of whole plants with their roots still attached had been snatched from the seabed and dumped on the beach. It looked like a field of writhing brown worms all tangled together. I couldn't help thinking this quantity of seaweed torn from the seabed would have made a substantial impact of the underwater eco-system. The wind howled, the rained whipped the sea and we decided to head inland.
We were hoping for a reprieve from the wind and rain, The weather was no better inland. There was water gushing down the side of the road, it was like driving alongside a small fast flowing river. The trees were nice and the ground was covered in orange and gold leaves, soon it became too wet to lean out of the window to take photos. We had no choice but to head for home. Just inside my gate, bouncing around in the wind and dripping with rain was my last bloom. This new rose bloom battled against the elements and somehow managed to remain in one piece.


  1. isn't it good how when you start thinking about the ecosystem it stays with you

    but i am beginning to think mother nature doesn't want you to leave the house



  2. The Picture Perfect theme is this week is "Memories". Hmmm.....

  3. I would love to live in one of those houses.

  4. I may ask permission to use this sometime on Jungleblogs. What colors.

  5. of course you can...............use what ever you want

  6. yes that is my dream too..............every time we drive out by one of these tiny cluster of cottages i look for an empty one.

  7. wow, that's a lot of seaweed.

  8. This really gives a perspective, nice

  9. hmmmmm...............nice fanciful thought..............but in reality just rain drops on the of the reasons we had to stop, my camera was getting far too wet and I thought the rain would damage it.

  10. beautiful contrast against the fence.

  11. lovely adventurous day, thanks for sharing it.

  12. yes..............I'm sure this is not ''normal'' I don't remember this happening to this extent in the past, makes me wonder what sort of weather conditions exist out at sea to result in this. Can you imagine the sheer power needed to up root this amount of seaweed???
    This used to be a beach full of golden sand and rock pools where children play.

  13. LOl.... no no Nemo.... she loves me being out and about and reporting all this abuse committed against her.

  14. Yes, it does. I wonder if the seaweed was dead or dying already and not firmly rooted.

  15. Sounds like my kind of day...with great photos!

  16. Interesting. Was it sitting there all by itself? I wonder what it was used for?

  17. Windswept and deserted. Just how I like beaches to be.

  18. Can almost feel the spray whipped up by the wind.

  19. Looks like a kelp bed has been uprooted and dumped on the shore.

  20. Looks really wild. Love it!! Can't beat watching the power of nature in full force.

  21. The raindrops on the lens almost look like soap bubbles :-))

  22. I love that shade of blue you used on your fences.

  23. LOL to much rain so no watercolors? But great photos all the same.
    I especially like that pretty, frail but very resolute rose!

  24. Are you sure these are water drops? LOL

  25. Lovely rose, lovely photos and I love your page's new look.

  26. Are you sure this is kelp?? I did wonder what sort of plant it was but I don't really know one peice of seaweed from another. What ever it is I think the same as you................a whole bed of something has been ripped up and dumped on the beach. My worry is why?? what on earth has happened to cause this??

  27. LOl................yep like I said the Bennett................nothing more fanciful than raindrops on the camera

  28. Yes all by itself, although couple hundred yards away was another piece of machinery. This used to be another tiny fishing hamlet clinging to the coves of the North sea. Today the fisherman's cottages are sought after beach homes. Think this is a winch and was used to drag the little boats up away from the sea in stormy weather or very high winter seas, OR it could have been used to reel in the nets.............not really 100% sure.

  29. What beautiful photos of beautiful scenery. So autumn, such beautiful sea. Just great
