Wednesday 21 October 2009

Functioning again at last!!...........feels like ages but its only been about 10 days, trip to sisters was marred by onset of revolting cold/ flu type thing which has persisted and is still not completely banished. Oh the irony of it, during term time I spend a large part of my time dealing with sickly, cold ridden, bug infested kids and ..... I never get sick!! Give me a couple of weeks away from school and suddenly the bugs find me.............


  1. glad you are back now take care okay

  2. thanks Heidi..........feeling a whole lot better than I did.

  3. Good to see you Loretta. Take care of that cold, don't let it bug you. Hugs

  4. thanks Frank 'fraid it already has.............really bugs me that i'm not sick in term time but as soon as I get time to myself the bugs find me........

  5. Nice to see you back Loretta. Sorry to hear about the cold. They do tend to arrive at the most incovenient times. I got one during Joanne's recent visit, typically!! Didn't let it spoil our time together though..

  6. sounds like you weathered the worst of it..... was that your way of telling me part three is not ready yet?.... sigh.... hope you are up to it soon!!!

  7. That used to happen to me too when I worked in schools. I would spend my precious time off in bed with a bug.

  8. I am glad you are better I was worried about you and even wrote a couple of your friends when you did not do a blog for wbd.

  9. Hope you feel better soon. You've been missed.

  10. Sorry you were so sick during a time that should have been fun. Welcome back /:-)
