Tuesday 28 December 2010

Christmas done and dusted. Happy New Year

Christmas done and dusted,

off to visit my Mother now.

One  downside of Christmas was that my pipes all froze again. But there were so many positives I didn’t really mind about the pipes.

The 23rd was spent with a friend of mine who sadly lost her husband exactly one year earlier. Last your we planned our Christmas meal out together on the 23rd because her husband was dying and she was going to be indoors on her own nursing him over Christmas, sadly he deteriorated at the start of Christmas week and actually died on the 23rd. We have had to wait a whole year for our Christmas meal but this year we had a great time out together. The restaurant overlooks the sea and we had wonderful views of the snow, the sea and the harbour while eating our Christmas meal. We are a whole year on and my friend is doing fine.

Christmas eve was spent with my grandchildren, they don’t worry about frozen pipes, the dangers of falling on ice or the biting cold. They just love to play in the snow.

They were so funny, we walked through the park, they played in the snow, we did a few bits of last minute Christmas shopping and then I took them to a café where they had the most delicious hot chocolate I have ever seen. It came in a huge cup, was piled high with whipped cream, had loads of marshmallow thrown over the top and was finished off with a thick chocolate flake bar balanced in the middle. I’m not sure how they managed to eat/ drink it all but they did.

Christmas day was spent with my eldest daughter in her country cottage sitting by her wood burning stoves ( yes.. plural she has two of then one at either end of the cottage). You do get the most amazing sunsets where she lives and the view out over the farmlands is wonderful, especially when covered in snow and ice. I spend the afternoon watching Avatar on her very large, wall mounted TV screen. WOW………….now I know what all the fuss has been about, I was so bowled over by that film, its more like a religious experience than an animated film. I’m going to get the DVD and watch it over and over again.

Boxing day was the day the entire family came to see me. I had three daughters plus partners, four grandchildren, and one young friend and her three young sons……………great family celebration. We ran out of wine twice and had to send reconnaissance teams out into the blizzard to buy more supplies. There was more food lying around than could possibly be eaten and I ended up packing two grocery bags full of unopened food for my daughter to take back to her family. I also saved a few boxes of chocolates, shortbread and mince pies to take to my mother. By Boxing day my pipes had been frozen solid for over a week and every one of those visitors had to remember not to empty waste water down the sinks for fear of flooding my downstairs neighbour, somehow we all managed and it didn’t detract from the pleasure of the day. My youngest daughter who lives away on the west coast came and stayed overnight on Boxing day.

Yesterday, Monday 27th came and went in a bit of a haze, my youngest daughters ever so obliging partner fixed all my leaking taps before they left and ….’we woke up to the thaw’ !! The ice in the pipes was gone and drainage worked perfectly. Maybe some of you remember the pictures of her dog in my garden back in the summer that I posted? I wrote at the time that her dog had died shortly after that photo was taken and my daughter was heartbroken. This is her new puppy. Her name is daisy and she will never replace Cody, (the dog who died) but this little one, is perfect. She is a bearded collie and was on best behaviour all day.

And here we are on the 28th, I’m feeling a little fragile, have defiantly over indulged and am now preparing for my journey tomorrow to visit my mother. My mother is 80, she lives 600 miles away and I don’t get to see her very often. She recently had a nasty fall and now needs a bed downstairs and nurses in twice a day. We think this is a temporary arrangement she should eventually recover well enough to manage without the nurses and use her upstairs bed again. But I’m very glad I’ve been able to organise tickets down to see her and very grateful that the snow is almost gone and the trains should be running without cancellations or delays.

And so………………..wishing you all the best new Year, enjoy the celebrations and hopefully in the new year I will be posting a whole heap of snow pictures I’ve not had time to post yet.

Happy New Year every one. 


  1. sounds like a wonderful time ,very descriptive

  2. thanks dear loretta for alowing me in to your days--glad all came out well-:)

  3. so glad the holiday went well. i LOVE the new pup and all the pics are really wonderful. happy new year, Loretta. HUGS

  4. what a wonderful Christmas holiday! and so glad the pipes are cleared! Happy New Year Loretta!


  5. Happy New Year Loretta ,,, enjoy the time with your mother .

  6. Sounds like you had a full holiday with a lot to enjoy. Wishing you and your family a very good new year.

  7. Some wonderful times!! I would like to have some of the hot chocolate the kids had. Your background picture looks very cold!!!!

  8. Ah, what a cute puppy! Hope your pipes don't freeze anymore, Loretta and enjoy your visit with your mother.

  9. Sounds like a wonderful Christmas Loretta!! Gald you finally got the pipes unfrozen without any damage. Ahh, another convert to the wonder that is Avatar!! Brilliant movie. Give my regards to your mom. Hope she has a speedy recovery.

  10. Thanks for sharing - sounds like you all had a great time. Hope you have a good visit with you Mum and that she is recovering well.

  11. I bought myself special edition 3-disc dvd of Avatar and watched it over xmas. I didn't see the movie in 3D at the cinema. Great movie and storytelling. It would be great to see the sequel, which I think they are planning to make. There's messages in that movie that are none-too-subtle, but I won't criticise the film at all. My favourite bit was when Jake enters the mind of his avatar and gets up and starts running and he's as happy as.

    Your Christmas went well except for the pipes. The puppy is a too cute.
