Tuesday 6 September 2011

Goodbye to my vinyl............all 200 of them

The time has come for me to say goodbye to about 200 vinyl records.
The record collection has been promised to my daughter for years, and, after lots of soul searching, nerves of steel and a strong resolve………….I decided to let her have then now rather than ‘in the will’ which is what she always joked about. She even gets the old Marantz deck, still in perfect working order.

What a strange feeling, very nostalgic, as I took them out of storage, one at a time, I almost lost my nerve and told her she had to wait. I hope she appreciates how good some of that music is. But I need be practical, I don’t have lots of space, very rarely listen to them and I am trying to cut down on belongings. De-cluttering is liberating, sometimes it feels as if the belongings own me rather than the other way around.…………..

So………….time to say goodbye………..:-)


  1. I know how you feel, when I took this job I had to let go of my record collection and record player and jukebox, and my comic book collection to my daughters, I cried...........

  2. oh, what a momentous occasion! i am sure she will treasure them as much as you have. ; D

  3. I feel for you, I could cry too..............I think of myself as lucky, my record collection won't end up abandoned and unloved in some dusty old junk shop. I feel so sad when I see that.............my daughter wants them because they are old and collectable, but also...............she actually loves the music, so I'm happy.

  4. I'd ask you to talk to my hubby - he has a big collection, although I'm not sure any of the kids would want them!

  5. my oldest wanted the record collection based on one fact it had all the LSB almbums and the last was signed by the whole band

  6. I'd find it hard to let go so I hope that works out for you. I've transferred al my vinyls to CD, King Crimson, Hawkwind, that sort of thing. Still, that's not quite the same is it? There's something about taking your LP out of its cover.............:)

  7. I admire you Loretta, I can't give away mine yet ;)

  8. transferring them was going to be one of my retirement tasks, but I don't think I'll ever get around to it. The time alone puts me off because they would all have to be played in 'real time'.............it would take years. I'm trying not to be overly sentimental about 'things' , and I know music is in a class of its own as far as 'things' are concerned..........but learning to let go is quite liberating.

  9. but the kid can burn them for you, if you get her the supplies

  10. ahhhhhhhhhh the 'yet' is the give away.........I'm older than you :-).................

  11. Its my eldest who has always wanted my record collection.
    Actually..............'my' collection is only half of the original collection. My daughter has always wanted the record collection and when I divorced I tried to keep the whole collection intact for her. I failed, we (the ex & I ) ended up sitting on the floor dividing up the whole pile between us. I do believe that one single act, taking half of 'his' collection made him hate me more than anything, to this day he has never forgiven me. Now I know my instincts were right because tonight she admitted she doesn't think she will ever get the other half. So I am very glad I fought for those records for her..............plus of course I love the music.

  12. actually..................I never thought of that.............she would probably be much better at it than me any way.

  13. thats the bit I find so sad, sometimes you find whole collections sitting about in some old junk shop, and you know its part of house clearance after the occupier has died.............and thats so sad.

  14. I'm never getting rid of mine - even if I eventually replace all my LPs with CDs.
    I'd have to sell them, because I know for certain that my kids wouldn't want them - "Too weird, Dad" and "What the HELL is THIS rubbish???" are often heard when some of my LPs are being played.....

  15. ....yes....especially the gatefold sleeve, and the lyric sheet. And the LP itself? That distinctive smell, the label with the track times, and the pattern of the tracks themselves. I can guess to within a couple of seconds, the length of a track, just by it's pattern on the disc.....those were the days....

  16. Vinyl records are also quite collectible; especially if they are rare or signed.

  17. Good luck! Nothing beats the sound of vinyl on a good pickup.

  18. I used to have a collection of LP carrier bags from different record shops. Some of them were really impressive - Spillers, Hot Rocks, Buffalo, City Radio - all Cardiff stores with their own design bags. I had many more from ther cities, especially London, but had to get rid when I got married. Collections CAN go too far, you know....:(

  19. No kidding - my George Harrison "Living In The Material World" is a case in point.
    My copy of this is worth a lot of money, but to me, it's priceless and will never be sold...

  20. she obviously she realises they are collectible..............but she has always wanted the collection, I can remember her asking when she was quite young, she loves the music...........she has excellent tast in music :-)

  21. NOOOOOOOOOO ,,,OH ,,your giving them to your daughter lol We have records in common ,,,,well my vinyl was stolen long ago but I have had ZZ TOP Tres Hombres and Santana Abraxas on Vinyl Cassette 8-Track and CD and DVDs I have bit pieced together with Real Player lol

  22. It was stressful to give up my records. I took on the cassette tapes at the same time and just made a clean break. I couldn't be moving all of that with me.

  23. oh wow-that would be hard to give up-

  24. tough decision.... but at least you know she is going to treasure it...

  25. My husband got a gizmo that plays the records and burns them onto DVD's. But I still can't part with some of the albums. Some of them have stuff written on them - or spilled on the cover - names from long ago - a record that belonged to my brother's first true love with her name on it. Good thing we have a big basement. :::::sigh:::::

  26. I'm with you on this one . Last thing i'd throw over board if my ship was sinking lol

  27. I know how you feel. I had a huge collecton on vinyl, about 300 LPs and twice as many singles. I hated having to get rid of them, but I just couldn't take them all with me during several moves. Having no-one to pass them on to, I ended up selling them. I've since replaced most of them on CD and/or MP3, but as a lot of the others here have said, it's just not the same.

  28. I use to collect like crazy but now i'm selling off CDs that get no play but no CREEDENCE No ZZ TOP No GUESS WHO or THE WHO and absolutely No ROLLING STONES or ROBIN TROWER Lol but PORNO FOR PYROS and Meh Talica , Nerve von A they are out of here because what I do like can be got by the song and BURNED to CD eh ? lol

  29. Let's have a record party ! What's to eat ?

  30. thats exactly how I feel...........I need to downsize my life...........I'm decorating now and when its finished I have to have a cleaner, less cluttered lifestyle.

  31. maybe I didn't mention I have kept a log of all my vinyl, I know exactly what I have and when it was released, where it was released, which record label and even the issue number.............I'm keeping the log just in case I'm ever in a position to replace the collection with CD, I can look through my log book and decide which ones are a priority etc..........

  32. itd hard..............I just have to keep reminding myself no matter how 'special' I think a particular one is...........its all just 'stuff'.........but have to admit its not easy, I'll be glad when its all out of the house.

  33. I'm sure she will enjoy them_ my parents gave me their records & player & we've had a ball listening to them-my daughter really enjoys the old funny songs_she's already claimed it once I'm done LOL :)

  34. I don't have any vinyl anymore. They're long gone. I remember buying an extended play of the Stones' newly released "Miss You" when it was first released and the guy in the record shop saying that some day it would be a collectors' item.

    One thing that I do miss about the old LP is the cover design. You can barely read the lyrics sheets inside a CD, and appreciate to any great degree the cover art being as small as they are. These days, music's downloaded.

    I'm sure a portion of your collection would be in the collectable range.
