Saturday 10 September 2011

Song Saturday; Feeling bad blues.

A piece of music called ‘feeling bad blues’………..
and I’m totally relating to that today.

I’m still decorating,  but I’ve have had several ‘mishaps’ along the way today. While messing about in the shed looking for my paint brushes I walked into a split plastic container and sliced my leg open on the knife like jagged plastic. I just about recovered from that when my daughter turned up. She wanted toast so I grabbed the toaster to plug it in not knowing  she had already put the toast in, and to make sure I inflicted maximum damage, as I grabbed the toaster my fingers slipped into the hole and made contact with the red hot bits inside. That was another ice pack and dressing. By the time she left I was so doped up on painkillers I couldn’t feel the pain, until I leaned over too far, unbalanced the ladder, slipped and cracked my head on the shelf……..and that used the last of the disposable ice packs. No joking.............this really HAS  been my day

So yeah…………..’feeling bad blues’ is a very appropriate piece of music for me today.



  1. forgot to mention................its also the best ever example of slide guitar

  2. Maybe you should go back to bed???

  3. maybe I should never have got out of it in the first place today

  4. Actually I would say that this has not been your day. The burn must have very painful, I hate to have a burn. I certainly hope that you are feeling more comfortable by now.

  5. Decorating. I blame the bloke who first painted antelope on the walls of his cave and the woman who encouraged him.

    I'm sorry to hear about your problems though. Hopefully your head, hand and leg will feel better soon.

  6. bloody hell, woman.......! what a horrid day for you! OW! healing thoughts to you....and i really love the music. HUGS

  7. thanks.............and yes I'm ok, in fact I'm beginning to see the funny side now, I'm not usually accident prone, but today I couldn't have made it worse if I tried, and I have to say.............that bloody burn was the most painful thing I've done in a very, very long time. It was one of those 'jumping up and down not knowing what to do' sort of painful. And the irony of it is; all week I've been using a steamer to strip the wallpaper, I have been so very careful because I was terrified of burning myself with it, and I've not had one tiny accident with that steamer, instead I go and stick my fingers in a red hot dumb is that?

  8. the little ironies of Life can sometimes be the most painful. poor Loretta, but i am so glad you are on the mend and seeing the funny side of it now.

  9. Good tune ! Odd isn't it... how quickly one's day can become a scene from a Marx Bros movie ! - Hope you're healing well.

  10. great song

    and a great big ((((HUG)))) for you


  11. Sounds like disaster all around, can't think of a better remedy than to listen to Ry Cooder, hope all affected bits recover fully and very soon :-)

  12. that is bad news. Hope you feel much better soon. Grab a hot cuppa tea and time out when you don't think you need it but really do (a believer in the hot cup of tea and its benefits..)

  13. OMG... stay safe.
    I almost burnt myself turning my salmon. But, I put it under running cool water until the pain subsided.
    Poor you.
    I hope tomorrow is a better day.
