Saturday 19 November 2011

Occupy London takes over empty USB Bank offices.

Occupy London takes over empty offices owned by UBS bank - video

Early on Friday, Occupy London protesters, together with members of a squatters' action group, took over a disused office block owned by the bank UBS. Police left the scene after activists claimed squatters' rights over the block, near Liverpool Street, just outside the City of London

be sure to watch the video


  1. "Police left the scene after activists claimed squatters' rights over the block,,,,

    Not so here, in several cities, NY and Oakland California for example, the police are using force, brutality and spraying pepper spray on even the non-violent protestors. The police are trying to confiscate cell phones because people are filming the brutality.

  2. as they should be the problem most of these are anarchists and trouble makers
    I saw what they looked like in San Francisco terrible smell no bathing and all hyped up on drugs of one sort or another--

  3. Look how peaceful that was - all they had to do was quote the squatters rights act to the Police and they went away LOL

    Makes you proud to be British sometimes :o)

  4. in america and here in germany no squaters rights

  5. Thats because America and Germany place a higher value on personal rights over the rights of the people for the greater good. Its a difference in moral and legal philosophies - it works on one level but not on others.

  6. Anarchy is just another political belief and the capitalist system has caused so much poverty, inequality and social injustice its pretty hard to imagine that these anarchists could equal the misery the capitalists have inflicted, if they are actually anarchists. And I don't care how they look or smell, or what recreational drugs they use, it doesn't give any one the right to spray pepper spray directly into their eyes from a couple of inches away. I don't understand how any one could do this, its inhumane, its inflicting torture, and its not good enough to claim they are only 'doing their jobs'..........we've heard that one before, what about personal responsibility. Any society that condones this sort of violent behaviour toward non violent protesters is sick.

  7. America claims to prioritise personal rights...............unless you are homeless and want to squat in an unused building, or unless you want to protest about the government, in which case you have no rights, the government has the right to bully, intimidate and inflict physical pain and suffering on those people. So where exactly ARE these 'personal rights'........reserved for the rich and those who conform I suspect.

  8. guess we are still seen to be 'civilised' in some things..... :-)

  9. this is disgusting, so glad it doesn't happen here, how can these people be so cruel, and then sit by and not even get medical assistance for their victims. That man who calmly walked in front of a row of people and sprayed them shames the uniform he wears.

  10. The problem is a "camp" is just that. Its not the Hilton babes. There's not a lot of baths around for protesters to use :o)

    It doesn't make them bad people, just dedicated.

    And as for the drugs, well I can't speak for the Americans but here in Britain and Europe, the protesters are adamant NOT to allow that kind of thing. This is serious stuff and they won't allow it to be undermined by idiots.

  11. You are not wrong there babes. Trouble is, its going that way here too.

  12. its already happening..............we saw the teasers used at Dale Farm evictions.............and there wasn't any provication for that either.

  13. I understand what you are saying but unless you have been there personally all I say is don't judge the police--be a policeman and when you get a molotove cocktail thrown at you what do you do--when they throw rocks big ones at you what do you do--when after you have tried to disperse them peacefully and they still come at you what do you do--
    NO I can never condone violence on either side--but we live in a society where we have laws and they must be obeyed or would everyone rather live in a lawless one where you can have anything you want just kill maime and haul it away --sorry like I said I was in SF and saw with my own eyes and NO I cannot condone these people
    the peacefull ones who march and go home yes that is the way to go but not the others who squat and leave filth and could give a shot about who gets hurt--and when you for one minute really take a good look and ask the squaters why they are there they don't know --they don't have any idea as to what is really going on --
    yes we have plenty to march for and we should all of us but peacefully and always remember VIOLENCE BEGETS VIOLENCE
    And yes these amarchists can do things yozu never imagine remember BLOOD IN THE SNOW --Russia the same things more or less and we have communisum for over 100 yrs. is that what we want no matter how it looks right now I would rather take my chances with the capotolists than the communists or dictators OR--

  14. totaly and like I said above good solid demonstrating peacefully is where we need to go not all this other because what I saw in SF there was just to much rifraf and in the area where this is lots of people live there with families and thy to want it stopped

    as for these camp people or the majority of these people are not "bad" just opportunusts who never worked are drugies and alcaholics who are taking all this for a free ride--

  15. I do have to say, having read the blogs of both the US and the UK Occupiers - there really ARE fundamental differences between the two. Britain is much better organised, they even have "universities" set up at each camp - they do lectures, talks, they even have a library. The British protests are predicated on Education and reasonableness. They are no more interested in causing trouble than the Police. These are mothers, fathers, professionals as well as unemployed students etc.

  16. yes in GB they have a purpose as they should have but in America they now not all but most just want confrontation and don't really know what it is all about

  17. That has never been true, if every one obeyed all laws at all times slavery would never have been abolished and women would not have the vote. Social injustice has always been fought with civil disobedience, with out people willing to fight for change and what is right...........nothing would ever change.

  18. the people in the video were sitting peacefully in the middle of the road, they were not aggressive, they didn't even retaliate when pepper spray was sprayed directly onto them by that diabolical, wicked policeman..............the only violence I ee in that video is from the so called police.

  19. I will attempt to. I have never been in SF for one of these events but in Occupy events in the midwest, no drug use at all has been evident. The use of drugs/alcohol is discouraged (highly) in NY, LA, Portland. As Tismek says, we do not wish to be undermined by idiots. What we have seen, however, is infiltration of groups by agents that seek to ge tpeople to do the kinds of things Heidi is talking about: throw gasoline bottles, throw rocks, and get rowdy.
