Tuesday 10 March 2009

Something very strange has happened !!!

Today I came home from work determined to find an hour or so to spend here. I was really feeling the need to catch up with a few people and get down to reading stuff from friends, reading comments and maybe leaving a few comments of my own..........
So, I came home, ate tea, watched the news, logged on and almost passed out with shock. For the first time since November..... yes I DID say November, I have access to my media locker, I am able to customise my front page, delete old empty photo albums and ALL my comments appear immediately, yes my site seems to be working in real time AND it seems to be working perfectly, utterly perfectly!!!!
WOW & OMG..........I have NO  idea why this should happen, I haven't changed any thing, added any thing or deleted any thing. All of which confirms my belief that the problems never were any thing to do with me in the first place. It wasn't any thing I was doing or any programme I had running.  What ever unknown force has been bugging my site for so long has spontaneously and miraculously disappeared, I still can't quite believe it, but I'm very, very grateful to what ever or who ever has made this happen.  Has this miracle happened to any one else recently or am I the only one  ???
I SAY AGAIN.....................


  1. I don't use the media locker.... but have been thinking about it recently... wonderful for you because nothing is so frustrating as 'on line' problems....

    [[.... now if we could only hear from Lena..... sigh....]]

  2. Yea! Seems like the goblins have left town. At least I hope it's true!

  3. How nice for you. Some of us just live with those little annoyances and they eventually get fixed. I've stopped arguing with the powers that be, I for one am tired of being told to 'clean the cache', 'log out - log in' and to 'switch to firefox'. Sometimes you can just out-wait them.

  4. oh yes I do know exactly what you mean, that's why I stopped arguing with them and lived with it the way it was for so long,...............it really is very tiresome to continuously be told to blah blah blah...........maybe the gremlins will spontaneously vacate your page too ..............Hope so Frank

  5. so glad it is working for you again, I agree with Frank-they told me the same thing that I needed to do all this wierd stuff to my computer and I should have firefox-I don't want firefox-lol my little problem is working too, but I still can not load pictures to my blog from my computer-I have to upload them to my photobucket and then bring them over-which actually gives me nicer and larger pictures in the end as well
    I think waiting it out is the best thing here in blogland too-

  6. My page has never had a prob.
    Glad yours is back!

  7. So happy to hear your good news! Waiting things out works sometimes, but not always. lol
    Dang, that was a l-o-n-g time to live with gremlins! Lets hope they found greener pastures somewhere else, and never return!! LOL

  8. Multiply worked on the site a few days ago maybe they fixed something but whatever glad all is well now.I have very few problems but for a while my media locker was goffy but they fixed right away.

  9. Sorry. I meant gremlins though goblins sure aren't nice. Hope that smiley continues to show up whenever you log on and I hope that one day Frank's problem is solved. As you know I do recommend using Firefox though. Yes, our weather is lovely at the moment but will likely change.

  10. yep i agree with the guys down there that get fed up with the "clean ur cache" etc...i had probs in the summer....i still cant get a link to work on the blog part of multiply only in the comments......an when i download pics from my pc to blog page they are way too small with no way of making them larger, so i too use photobucket and thats great.

    seem to have less probs with firefox than internet explorer.

    really glad to hear you are fully functional lol...i'm sure you were in other ways

  11. Good News! Glad all is running as it should!

  12. I don't use media locker, and I haven't got the time to learn more about Multiply's perks. I know there's benefits here I'm not making full use of, but I don't really want the brain strain right now with too much work to do. But it is good to hear that something good has happened for you. Ain't it great when things go well?

  13. hee hee .... I quite like the idea of little goblins sitting in cyberspace causing havoc............paints an amusing picture !! :)

  14. I sympathise .................I had that problem for ages and I resorted to using my flickr account, the only problem with that is that sometimes some people can't see photos hosted by flickr. And for some weird reason if someone hosts a picture from photobucket I have problems viewing it on multiply..... sigh..... often the ways of cyberspace remain a mystery :)

  15. Hi Loretta.
    I am not aware of having any problems with Multiply. I don't know if I have Media Locker.
    I am glad that everything is working for you now.
    Our family's computer monitor is all messed up for some reason and the computer can be very slow. Also our computer will just shut it self off for no apparent reason.
