Monday 28 September 2009

Birthday Update;

Thanks once again to every one who sent me birthday wishes yesterday.
My daughters, my wonderful daughters, bought me a new camera. I have so missed having a camera and posting my photos here but;  happily that is about to be rectified. My photo blogs will soon return. I have to buy some new photo cards because my new camera takes a different type of card to the old ones but as soon as I have new cards.................I shall be out there clicking away again.

I recieved a few e-cards and a few PM's and one of these cards...... I really need to share. Isn't this wonderful; what a perfect birthday this shows.
The link doesn't work too well but if you copy/ paste you should get this card.


  1. congrats on the new cam! i'm so happy to hear your day was a very special one. HUGS

  2. nothing like having your camera in hand! congrats again....... your grace period is running out...... but I will be away mid oct for 2 weeks... maybe that will give you time to finish your great journey story!!

  3. sounds like a great birthday... complete with a brand new cam... ahhhhh
    glad you liked the card.

  4. I certainly did Ed................made my day my dear :-))
    only someone who knows my Love of the beach would have chosen that one
    BTW....................does the link work?? had a few problems with it.

  5. ohhhhh you make me feel so very guilty, more week at work then some time off for the October holidays... so will first week of October be OK??
    pleaseeeeeee :-))

  6. it worked when I did copy/paste. As you said it didn't link well as a direct link. Most strange.
    Check your PM's. I'm about to launch one your way.

  7. it worked when I did copy/paste. As you said it didn't link well as a direct link. Most strange.
    Check your PM's. I'm about to launch one your way.

  8. A camera!! I had a hunch they would. How wonderful! Happy birthday again.

  9. I'm so pleased for you to have the new camera.

  10. Only just got back online today. Happy Birthday for yesterday!!! A camera is a perfect present :-))

  11. hi...missed you.................where you been ??

  12. am leaving for Hawaii on the 7th... back on the 20th... you have time.... ;-)))

  13. Joanne was over visiting me for three weeks:-)) I did a post about it a bit earlier.

  14. what a wonderful gift loretta-enjoy it ans we will wait for your pics

  15. I'm so happy you've finally got a camera and that you enjoyed your birthday. We're expecting to see some nice shots soon.

  16. HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY LORETTA! can't wait to see the pics with the new camera.

  17. Looking forward to your photo blogs /:-)
