Monday 14 September 2009

Capitalism and democracy.

What a strange day this has been. It was hot and humid like the middle of summer. Very, very, busy at work, and then descended upon by daughters, daughters dogs and daughters offspring. They left, I cleared away after them, sat down with my coffee, and promptly fell asleep………..not something I do often. Now the evening is done and I’m off to bed.
I intended to post a couple of things tonight and catch up with a few people, but now times up and I’m gone.
Before I go I must post this one video, I still don’t really know who this guy is but I’m beginning to like him an awful lot.

Former U.S. Secretary of Labor Robert Reich argues that certain aspects of capitalism are often at odds with the best interests of democracy.

I love this quote, this says it all; ‘’I as an investor was better off, but I as a citizen was worse off’’………………what astute insight.


  1. Robert B. Reich is an American politician, academic, writer, and political commentator. He served as the United States Secretary of Labor under President Bill Clinton, from 1993 to 1997. He is now a lecturer on labor and the economy.

  2. thanks Frank................think maybe I'll read some of his stuff, I like the way he talks, bet he's a great public speaker

  3. like I said befor a very very inteligent man

  4. I could have continued listening to him. Thanks, Loretta.

  5. that is exactly how I felt, he is one of those orators who have the gift of plain speaking. he explained things in a way every one could understand and I found it very interesting
