Friday 18 September 2009

POOP..................Has Multiply disabled copy/ paste?? I always write mine out on notepad first then copy /paste into the blog.... now I don't seem able to do that...........any one else having this problem???


  1. sometimes I do copy paste from the net and sometimes I do copy paste from notebook...............I like to keep a record of what I post but for some reason I can't do that right now.

  2. Sometimes I can, and sometimes I can't, and I get the impression it's my own computer that's the trouble .. memory low or something.

  3. started using notepad because Multiply will not allow you to copy paste directly from word

  4. Another person who has never used notepad. I don't even know where it is.

  5. begining to wonder the same thing..............copy paste perfect off line but once online its a different story and with Multiply a total no no

  6. Well that sucks then. We should be able to copy/paste anything that's not copyright protected at least.

  7. I have a Mac thing I use - maybe that is the Mac notepad. Mac has to call everything something different from Word.

  8. neither did I untill Multiply stopped me using copy / paste from word and then I had to look for notepad............think its part of office accessories

  9. Office accessories????? Ok, my husband says that is all part of Microsoft, which Apples/Macs don't have (with those names).

  10. yeah thats what I figured, which is why I thought it could just be me...............but then I thought if I had somehow disabled copy / paste myself it wouldn't work on or off line .....would it??

  11. I am on a Mac so it is different anyway

  12. sorry.....................its just called accessories in the programmes menu

  13. seems a lot of you have mac.............people have always said mac is better at a lot of things

  14. We Mac people think so - but they are also more expensive and harder to fix if they fzzzzt. (But they rarely do.)

  15. kinda what my sister says but they are ''computer people'' so fix it themselves.............they have both i think and say each is better at different things

  16. suggestions re copy /paste ???? maybe something to do with firefox do you think?? out of curiosity I think I'll try it on IE

  17. suggestions re copy /paste ???? maybe something to do with firefox do you think?? out of curiosity I think I'll try it on IE

    That's a copy/paste of your comment .. I swear .. and I swear I'm not repeating what you say to be annoying .. hahaha

  18. yeah go MAC we are happy campers never had a problem with mine in 9 yrs. of mac use

  19. well poop appears to be firefox !!!!!!!

  20. Try rebooting .. Like I said, I do have that problem at times myself. Or just do the disc clean thingy. Might correct whatever it is.

  21. know what??'re right..................this is getting weirder by the IE allows me to copy/ paste into a blog but it does NOT allow me to high light some of your comment to copy paste a repy !! and firefox seems to be the other way round !! Maybe this is just something wrong with my computer or my ISP .....oh dear I'm gonna have to think about this

  22. yes loretta try rebouting that usually helps with firefox and since my last update with them I need to do it a little more often.

  23. ok yeah thanks .... think thats what I'll do...... REBOOT PLUS A LITTLE ''HOUSEWORK'' SEE IF IT HELP..............catcha later

  24. Yeah, my system isn't friendly with firefox at all. For instance it mutes all the page colors, it doesn't let me comment anywhere and it in general seems to piss off my computer. So out the door it went. I'm thinking of going back to crazy browser cause that rocked.

  25. You might want to try Safari as your browser. While designed for Macs, there is a version for Windows.

  26. Yeah, Been having the same conflict with copy and pasting with a right mouse click since the last Firefox upgrade. Been getting a different menu fairly often with the right mouse click. The "ctrl-c" and "ctrl-v" copy and paste functions still do fine though. A Firefox reboot usually helps for a while.

  27. try word and see if it works
    I usually just type directly

  28. I have not had any problems with that--I write in WORD and then use ctrl c, ctrl v. We have windows 98 and Firefox. I like to save my entries, especially after what yahoo did and they used to eat them besides.

  29. Word won't post to Multiply, word inserts javascript and Multiply won't accept it. Notebook and Notepad strip javascript out of the text. I use the Notepad on the Yahoo email page, then copy and paste.

    Sounds like a browser or mouse problem.

  30. I use both notepad and word, i hope it hasn't been disabled. I would miss notepad the most. Word's always a bit of work anyway.


  31. Just passing through.
    I have both Firefox and nonMac.
    Try clearing out your history and your cookies. from your tools menu.
    Then restart.
    Works like a charm for me every time.

    Have a grand weekend.


  32. good morning folks...............well I messed about with every thing last night and I've come to the conclusion it's something to do with firefox.................right click seems to be disabled but I can copy /paste from the edit drop down menu. BUT..... and this is a biggie for me..... it doesn't seem to work when saving images..... OMG..... can you imagine me managing with out images???
    anyway at the moment IE seems to be working better...........thanks for all the useful suggestions.
    And Frank..... that's exactly why I started using notepad and stopped using word. When I first started using Multiply word seemed ok.............then things changed

  33. This is written on "WordPad" and copy/pasted because I was sure I'd done something like this in the past when I couldn't read someones blog entry. I had to copy/paste their entry into here, I think, and somehow either convert the code to fit HTML format or remove the code that Multiply didn't allow ... there was a button to do that which I cannot find here .. yet. Or maybe I just dreamt it all ...

    I found WordPad in my Start menu a little lower than Notepad ... perhaps you've got it too?
