Saturday 12 September 2009

The public Option; at last an explanation.

At last I've found an explicit definition  of exactly what the  ‘’public option’’ is. In all this debate etc this is the first time I've seen anything that bothers to explain what it's all about. A simple explanation is what I've been asking about for ages.


  1. But Loretta - this will lead to **gasp** (dare I say it?) Socialism!!!!! Of course I am being sarcastic here. This is the best explanation I have heard of the public option. But it has so many people scared due to, as Reich explains, the money being poured into the system to distort it and its impact.

    Bravo on wading into the fray in our political group.

  2. But its not just the issues of this. This is being pushed thru quickly and yet wont take effect till sometime in 2013. So why is he in such a rush? There is time to talk and meet in the middle to make most happy. And I have a problem with all the money hes spending. We are being taxed to death. Do you know taxes are taken from our pay till Aug. of the yr? After that, then all the money we make is ours. And thats up from May. And he keeps saying this will not cost us a then where is this money for this coming from? This man is spending money like crazy and if you or I did this we would be in jail. After all we cant borrow from China or print money as we need it. Our economy is in the toliet. That should be stabilized before he pushes all this other stuff. I dont think people outside of this country understand this.

  3. Respectfully, seanymph, he is not in a rush. We are taxed less than in many countries. The wealthy are taxed less proportionately than working class people. The cost of health care premiums are a hidden tax. Our economy is being pulled back from the brink. The Bush tax cuts cost more than the public option would. If we repeal the Bush tax cuts on the wealthy, and eliminate waste, we can afford it.

  4. From what this guy says there will be no public spending. The money will come from those who contribute to the policy. He is saying that this will work because; if the public policy is implemented throughout the whole of the US there will be economies of scale which will enable the cost to the individual to be kept low. He is also saying that if the public policy is implemented through out the US there will be enough bargaining power on the suppliers to force down the price of treatment. If this happens the benefits will trickle through to the other insurance companies who will be forced to make similar deals with the suppliers which will result in every one benefiting from lower prices not just those people covered by the public least that is how i understand what he is saying. If you are worried about the economy this seems to be something that could actually give a boost to the economy because more people will be covered by health insurance which means more people will receive treatment which means somewhere along the line more cash will be generated

  5. Well we all have our opinions but I do feel hes rushing this. If it doesnt even take effect till 2013, then theres plenty of time to talk and work out everything BEFORE. So it wont help the economy right now like you think. I just feel this country is not stable yet. And hes doing too much too soon.

  6. Maybe you can afford but many still wont be able to. And if they dont they will be fined for not taking the govt. ins. So if they cant afford it , they get fined? Doesnt make sense to me.

  7. wow, this spells it out so simply doesn't it? I didn't know what exactly it was either! thanks for posting this!

  8. the reason the government want every one to take out insurance is to take full advantage of economies of scale. This only works if every one is covered , the more people who are covered the easier it is to bring down prices for every one, this is just simple supply and demand. There is also the principles on which successful insurance is based. Insurance is a risk spreading business, the further the risk is spread, the better it is for every one. At the moment there are many youngish healthy people who chose not to insure, partly because insurance is at the moment very expensive, and partly because it is this group of people who present the least risk and feel they have the least incentive to insure. But it is these people whose contributions help the most to spread the risk for the rest of those insured. Therefore there are two reasons the government want every one insured, firstly so that every one has access to health cover and secondly to spread the risk as wide as possible and utilise economies of scale to bring down prices.

  9. Yes, this is very well explained.

  10. That's why we need to make it affordable.

  11. he did a good job explaining
    as far as the coment above I am all for it being in medicine and seeing the terrible state it is in we either put this option in or we all fall-
    and like Loretta I have had military medicine for over 30yrs. and befor that Canadian so what I pray tell is wrong with it it has served me well and my family-
