Tuesday 30 March 2010

OMG.... it's 1.30 in the morning and I've just been woken up by howling winds. I looked outside and there is a blizzard........snow swirling every where and it's so cold. I can feel the icy wind under doors and windows..........and my double glazing is quite good so what on earth must it be like outside. It's almost April ..wtf is going on????


  1. I am reading about crazy weather all over-yours is the craziest so far-stay safe and warm Loretta

  2. TY Kathy..............just been and made a hot water bottle to take back to bed with me, it was a horrible day yesterday, wet and windy but nothing like this. Heading back to bed now....:-)

  3. You are not alone. We don't have the snow (over 80" in February was enough - forever!!) but we have teeming rain, flooding and awful winds. This is December weather for us.

  4. loreta I hink it was your wind that woke me up about 11pm it was really bad now this am it is quiet-no snow down here but it is 6C and very wet

  5. This is amazing as your one the same latitude as here approximately.

  6. almost 8am now, the winds are as bad as ever, think I'll get blown over on my way to work but at least none of the snow stayed here in the town. This is so sad, the lambs are being born and dying, the poor farmer on the news just couldn't get his ews under cover. The news also said 8000 people without power across in Ireland and roads blocked with snow all over Scotland. This is crazy weather.

  7. It's been monsoon rains down here in Wales for most of the last two weeks with the exception of Saturday. The winds were really howling last night here, too. Woke me up several times. Not quite as bad this morning, but the rain is still hammering down. Guess I should count myself lucky it isn't snow.

  8. And I thought we were having bad Easter weather in Madrid! It sure doesn't compare to yours!
