Sunday 6 March 2011

Garden 2011 no3

Garden 2011 no3

Sunday 6th March 2011.

Today I did manage a good few hours outside, the only interruption was my daughter who came by to see if she could fix my bike, apparently there’s not a lot wrong with it that a couple of new inner tubes can’t fix. She has this notion that if she fixes my bike I can start using it again hmmmmm……..

The strawberry planter is now assembled, filled with compost, planted with about 25 young strawberry plants and covered in netting to protect the fruit from the birds.

The spring bulbs seem to be popping up every where, more of the snowdrops are out and even the daffs are all in bud. My pile of broken pots has grown over the winter.

This is my own fault, I left the empty pots stacked up in the garden, they filled with water, the water froze and as it expanded the pots all shattered. I’ll remember to put them away at the end of this year.

This may look like a very ordinary and unexciting pile of dirt……….but to me it is success. This is my very first full batch of home grown, ready to use,  compost. It still has quite a lot of twigs in it but that’s because I wasn’t sure if I could compost hedge cuttings.

I know now that any ‘woody’ material needs to be chopped up very small before it goes into the compost.

I did manage to plant most of my small fruit canes but by the time I finished the light had almost gone and it wasn’t bright enough to take any more photos. I took one photo,  my new  blueberry bush.

The sky looked like a pink sea and I realised my time was up. Isn’t it strange how you go out there thinking about the couple of little jobs that need doing and as soon as you get outside and look around, the list of urgent garden jobs suddenly becomes endless?

A quick look around before I came indoors confirmed that this is indeed a job in progress. I’ve left several piles of rubbish scattered around the garden, the grass needs its first cut as soon as it dries out and my wormery needs cleaning out and starting all over again, none of the little worms survived the winter. The pond needs cleaning and this year I really do want to find some frogspawn. But that’s it for this week…………..hope the weathers good next weekend.



  1. Hears your sighs of impatience but also your sighs of satisfaction. I like your strawberry jar. I do hate to water but that almost inspires me to make one.

  2. this one is quite clever, it has a hose with tiny holes in that goes right down the middle of the tub. you just pour the water into the top of the hose ( it sticks out above the compost) and the water spreads evenly around the whole thing. Also................I positioned it next to the pond just in case i feel particularly lazy, I can just scoop a jug full of water from there. :-)

  3. everything looks wonderful and congrats on the compost!

  4. Everything seems to be coming up nicely. Of course you're a little ways behind me down here, not too far by the looks. Hope all the fruit growing goes to plan. That strawberry planter looks good.
    That's the problem with gardens. The jobs that need doing multiply while your back is turned!!

  5. Can't wait to see the fruit of your labours!

  6. Hmmmmmm... now that I know EXACTLY where I am going to place it, I will definitely get one. lol

  7. What variety of strawberries did you get? Last year I planted several different "everbearing" ones. Weeds got bad (and I got lazy) so I'm hoping some of each type survived.

  8. good going

    everybody got daffydils but me!!!

    if i get a blueberry bush then we can compare notes


  9. That is so true. I have big yards where I live now and there's always something I could be doing out there. The last job was to begin to root up some of the summer's vege plants. I put in a lot of capsicums, and they are very slow to produce fruit. Not much fruit came up either and insects were really devouring the small fruit.
