Thursday 10 March 2011

Tariq Ramadan, talking on The Western Muslim

I was looking for something; I didn’t find what I was looking for but this guy kept cropping up in my searches. He sounded like a pretty switched on sort of guy (you don’t get to be Professor at Oxford if you’re second best). And then I discovered he had written a phD dissertation on Nietzsche, and that clinched it for me. Anyone who comes any where near to understanding Nietzsche has my everlasting admiration. A guy who can write a whole phD dissertation on him is, in my opinion, genius at the very least.

(a little info on the guy)

Tariq Ramadan; born 26 August 1962, Geneva, Switzerland, is a Swiss born intellectual, philosopher, theologian, television presenter, academic, poet and writer. He is also a Professor of Contemporary Islamic Studies in the Faculty of Oriental Studies at Oxford University. Tariq Ramadan studied Philosophy and French literature at the Masters level and holds a PhD in Arabic and Islamic studies from the University of Geneva. He also wrote a PhD dissertation on Friedrich Nietzsche, entitled Nietzsche as a Historian of Philosophy.

And then I started watching this, he speaks on the topic of, ‘Islam is a European Religion’, at the Salzburg Seminar session entitled "Immigration and Inclusion: Rethinking National Identity"
I found myself listening to ideas I had never considered before. So much has been said and written about the ‘Muslim influence in the West’ but not usually like this. It takes a while to watch the whole thing but I found it worth the effort.

Tariq Ramadan - The Western Muslim 1/3

The Western Muslim Tariq Ramadan 2/3

The Western Muslim Tariq Ramadan 3/3



  1. Tariq was baned for years from USA ..... ( as was Cat Stevens !!!! )

    He is considered one of Europes most influential intellectual Muslims
    but hey ho a name like Tariq lets keep him out the Land of the Free :)

    Tariq Ramadan, Muslim Scholar Formerly Banned From U.S., Returns To Country

    <<<<< is finding him eh .... very attractive....

  2. why?? does America only want Muslims who are radical, angry and extremist??

  3. :-).............didn't like to mention it.............

  4. I might find this interesting, but I will need to come back to it, question of time.

  5. They seem " confused " .... lol Maybe because of his father's association with the Muslim Brotherhood , who knows :)

    I find him quite conservative , not a Liberal Reformer and he holds quite Conservative veiw points in many areas .... but a force for good , for sure.

    and eh , easy on the eye ...

  6. I don't know enough to form an opinion about if he is conservative or liberal, right , left or any thing else. I just know he talks intelligently about and to Muslims in Europe, and any intelligent, reasoned conversation on the subject is welcomed because from what I see, there's not much of it about.

  7. Thanks, Loretta for posting this. I'll see the other two parts this weekend (I hope).

  8. A few thoughts while I was watching:

    We need to go above and beyond nationality and see each other as human beings.
    There is no one right way of doing things.
    A Muslim does not have to adopt an Arabic culture.
    Cultures can change and evolve, co-existing.
    Fear is spread by the system to aid it in retaining control.
    If you look at nature, it seems clear that the Creator likes diversity.
    "Don't answer this stupid question" LOL
    All of us need to use our divine gift of creativity more so as to change and build a better world.

    Thank you for posting this. I had seen his name before, but didn't know anything else about him.

    Do you think Western and European are synonymous?

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