Saturday 26 March 2011

Song saturday; from a bygone age.

I recently had cause to stop and think of all the things American I liked……, music and more music is up there at the top of my list. The world would be a greyer, sadder place without the long legacy of American music. Here is something happy and uplifting to begin the weekend with. Imagine still doing this at his age, really sad, he died a couple of years after this performance.



  1. Yes, America has given the world great music and musicians for many generations. Nice choice of music Loretta. Personally, I prefer these two guys, either individually, or better still (as in this vid) together:

  2. Thank you Loretta Benny can still play as good as ever.Thanks for the video's.

  3. oh, what fabulous music, Loretta. thank you!

  4. goes great with my cafe con leche. ; D

  5. Interesting that we both decided to post about "Pioneers of American music". See my blog of yesterday and read the comments.

  6. A fabulous musician, from a fabulous era for music.

  7. I like the kettle-cooked potato chips too. At least I think that's what they're called. I still have a Benny Goodman record - really good stuff.

  8. In answer to that same question, I left out music and I am sad I did. I think our country contributed much to world culture, particularly jazz, rhythm and blues, and many of the songs of protest and overcoming adversity. Love your selections.

  9. you are so right, after spending some time thinking about this, I believe America contributed more to music than to any thing else. As I said, in answer to that question, America has produced so much that is so good but it all pales into insignificance compared to the legacy of music America has given the world. One thing I didn't say is that this musical legacy was led by poor, uneducated ( largely black) Americans while all other achievements seem to have been led mostly by the white middle class.

  10. we get it right now and then

