Tuesday 15 March 2011



Just stumbled on this on another page, If it wasn't so tragic it would be funny, WTF......................who  IS this moronic imbecile?



  1. What a bunch of idiotic morons. Have they actually listened to themselves?? Pathetic.

  2. Some very good points are made in this video.
    Environmentalism has become a cult of lies and deception to the extreme.
    Thanks for sharing.

  3. OMG..............please don't tell me there are actually people out there who are taken in by this crap, think I'm slowly losing the will to live here.....................

  4. These are the people variously known as the religious right, the moral majority, teabaggers, tea party and right wingnut conservatives. They believe the stuff that they spout and glow in their own ignorance. When many of us refer to 'home-grown terrorists', we include these folks, because that is the base for American radical thinking.

  5. OMG still can't believe I heard this these people are really crazy

  6. the only good thing I can think of to say about this is;
    they are over there not over here..............If they were over here, they would be the biggest asset to stand up comedy this country has ever seen. One of these must be worth a hundred comic script writers

  7. Sorry Frank....................they leave me speechless.................hate to think what they do to you.

  8. The scary part is that they actually really believe what they are saying.

  9. bloody shame someone can't figure out a way to use this stuff to raise funds for comic relief

  10. They do find endless comedic material from those people. That is why they think that the majority of our comedians are left leaning. Considering the amount of money our comedians are paid, obviously the public at large doesn't agree with radicalism or the comedians wouldn't be so popular. In recent years, the source of much material has come from the mouths of Sarah Palin, Michele Bachmann and the tea party, all of whom are politically and financially supported by the radical right.

    Our problem isn't so much those wingnuts, as it is the apathy and frustration of left wing and independent voters who didn't show up to vote last year.

  11. I can see how that's a problem, but at the moment I think the problem ( here & there ) is compounded by real and genuine hardship. It's the people who would vote against the right who are most severely affected by the cuts in public services etc, and when you're just about managing to survive, it doesn't leave a lot of space to be concerned about voting or speaking out...........
    Great lecturer i once knew had ''When you are up to your arse in Crocodiles its difficult to remember you are supposed to be draining the swamp''...........written above his door.

  12. too sad for words
    prime example of those who refuse to shift their consciousness
    they will continue to create a world of fear for everyone who believes them
    but that's their choice
    not mine
    peace (is my choice)

  13. It must be something in the water or at least what they've been drinking!

  14. They are everywhere. Over there as well, just not wearing the same clothes:

    They are paid for by big corporations. In the US, they push the religion button. I don't know what button they push in the UK.

  15. Hi Bennett...........sadly I know there are some supposed 'academics' here in Europe who deny climate change etc but they don't do it particularly successfully, they don't have a great following, many people have not even heard of them and most of all..............they don't tie it all up with a lot of religious nonsense. My remark about them being 'over there' was just a bit of flippancy, we don't have anything quite as comical as your lot over here. I don't know what buttons they push here either..............I think they provide some sort of justification for those who are too lazy or selfish or just can't be bothered to change the way they think or act. On the whole, the ones over here are not taken seriously...........least that's the way it seems to me. I also think the ones here, in order to be taken seriously, attempt to dress it up as 'science', that way its more palatable to the general public. I think most of them are just 'academics' who who want to get noticed and have thus far not managed it.

  16. the first thing this woman says is "deadly to human prosperity..."
    now that's the first thing she says. The rest comes later, apparently not as important as the first 'deadly'.

    so the right wing can go on telling themselves to rape the earth in the interest of prosperity...yer, right....(not)

    They got their own 'scaring little children' spin. The drum beats soundtrack to this speil of their own cultish view. Spin and more spin.
