Sunday 20 May 2012

Garden 2012 no 10

Garden 2012 no 10

Well that was fun, the sun stayed out all day and only now, at 9pm is it beginning to get cold.
My task for the afternoon was to dig out all the daffodil bulbs and periwinkle from a section behind the pond and turn it into a small vegetable patch. This is how it looked a few months ago when the daffodils were in bloom

 and this is how it looks now. It has a few peas and a few leeks planted in rows.

Before I started it was far more overgrown with periwinkle than the picture shows, and even though it’s a tiny piece of garden it took me most of the day to clear it of bulbs, periwinkle, roots and general debris, and that was before I started the actual digging. I salvaged one bucket of periwinkle which is now on its way to my daughters garden

and more bulbs than I could count to be replanted in my garden.

Replanting them is one of the next tasks on the list.
I encouraged the bit behind the pond to go wild and do its own thing, I like the wilderness and the only reason I decided to cultivate it was because I need the space. This piece had mostly daffodils and I’ve been waiting for them to stop flowering before digging them up.  The next bit to be dug over is this bit,

it has mostly bluebells and they are still flowering but as soon as they all die off I’ll clear it and  dig it over ready for more veg.
And now I’m  hungry, have achy joints and I’m exhausted, I have carrot and coriander soup that I made and froze last week and bread that I made last night………………then hot bath to relax the joints and then early to bed I think…………..


  1. sounds like you've had yourself quite a productive day. the soup sound really awesome.....enjoy and rest well!

  2. Perfect weather for gardening and early growing.

    I no longer work the gardens, my back will not cooperate. I missed it for a year or so, but I'm getting over that. :-} It is a lot of work, especially clearing out the spreading plants such as periwinkle or ivy. Good exercise for sure and always the satisfaction of seeing the fruits of your labor.

  3. That's a shame, I'm sure you used to enjoy the garden. I can't do the gardening I used to do and some days I can't get out there at all, but for as long as I can, I will. I want to make the most of it while I can. I would hate not to be able to get out there at all.

  4. Gardening sure does take a toll. I did a little weeding yesterday and felt it last night. My wilderness area turned to be too wild for me, but I've found an easier spot for the grape vine I hope. I can understand needing the space. Good luck with your veggie patch!

  5. that will all be very nice when done

    it is nice now

    fresh soup and homemade bread ~ mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm!

    have a great night


  6. Sounds like a great day complete with rewarding victuailles at the end. Oops, I guess that's a French word but the English equivalent doesn't want to show itself at the moment.
    We are still having rain. Some of the greens I planted out are looking good though.

  7. Glad you got a good gardening day, weather-wise. Looks like you had a most productive day. I like how you 'recycle' beds from flowers to veggies.

  8. Thank you for the endearing update, dear Loretta.
