Wednesday 23 July 2008

Picture Perfect; Flower of Scotland

It seems  the video at the bottom of the page has stopped working so I have copied it into 'my videos' and it does work there. the link is

O Flower of Scotland - Scotland's (unofficial) National Anthem. If any one doesn't know, the song is called 'O Flower of Scotland' , the thistle IS the Flower of Scotland, and the Photo IS a thistle.
The Flower of Scotland, written by The Corries, is the official anthem of
the Scottish Football Team and the Scottish Rugby Team.

The rest of the photos are here


O flower of Scotland
When will we see your like again
That fought and died for
Your wee bit hill and glen
And stood against him
Proud Edward's army
And sent him homeward
Tae think again

The hills are bare now
And autumn leaves lie thick and still
O'er land that is lost now
Which those so dearly held
And stood against him
Proud Edward's army
And sent him homeward
Tae think again

Those days are passed now
And in the past they must remain
But we can still rise now
And be the nation again
That stood against him
Proud Edward's army
And sent him homeward
Tae think again




  1. I'm so glad you posted this!! I love the flowers (except in my flower bed) and I love the photo. Is that you - it must be. Here's mine:

  2. you must have lain in wait for me..... I'm still checking it I couldn't really do any thing else could I?? You really should watch the video, it is lots of bit of lots of versions of this song AND some fantastic views of Scotland

  3. Beautiful video. Some scenes remind me of your photos. At least your 'unofficial' national anthem has words. lol

  4. Beautiful photo and beautiful song to go with it. And that's from one of the 'auld enemy'. An Englishman. LOL.

  5. Wonderful selection of both picture and song. Also, loved looking at a little bit of Scotland in the video.

  6. Beautiful picture--love the colors. I'm not familiar with the song but it seems to match the photo perfectly :-)

  7. Beautiful photo and that song touches me , my grandmother was from Scotland , I love the song !!!

  8. I am scottish by ancestry... or at least a part of me is.
    I love the Scottish thistle... perfect picture ... and song.

  9. Isn't that a thistle? He he we pull them out here... Great photo and I love the song and the versions of it.

  10. Thanks for viewing my entry, Great pic have a good day

  11. beautiful music, wildflower and landscape... thanks for the comment on mine.

  12. that's a very very lovely photo of Scotland's national flower.
    and the song as well. never heard of their national theme before but hey now i know:)
    great post.
    thanks for the visit!

  13. The colours in your photo are just beautiful, the delicate flowers in contrast against the sharp, pointy leaves. A really lovely photo with the perfect song. Well done :-)

    Thank you so much for viewing my photo page :-)

  14. Love all that purple. I would of thought that Heather was the flower of Scotland! LOL!

  15. That is one great shot! I love purple flowers myself! TFSBM!

  16. Great use of aperture. I love the sharpness and colors. Well done. Good match for the song too.

  17. Great use of depth of field to blur the background and make the flowers jump out. Fine photo and take on the theme, and I'm sure Piper would love the song.
    Thanks for your visit.

  18. Beautiful flower shot.....and nice music. Thanks for the visit.

  19. what some people call weeds others call wild flowers and part of the natural habitat.

  20. Beautiful picture ... we have one of those thistle plants that just keeps popping up through the concrete at the bottom of the steps .... no matter how many times we pulled it out ....... Its determined to stay!! I love the colours of the flowers .. really pretty!!

  21. LOvely shot and as a Scot may I stand up and hum along!!!
    Cheers for popping past mine

  22. oh how many memories of Scotland revives in me your pic. I lve it so brilliant and pure as the air and water of your beautiful lakes and rivers. ciao from Italy

  23. agree with other comments, beautiful photo indeed :-)

  24. the thistle is a very poignant reminder to Scotland's tenacity and tis a great song to go with this shot pic perfect
    ”Here Comes the Sun”

  25. That's a thistle? A beautiful purple! Lovely photograph!

  26. OMG That is a really beautiful flower/weed? LOL It is lovely no matter what! Great idea!

    Click here for Empress C's PP!

  27. Wonderful flowers.I didnt know the story about them and ı wish I could listen to the song too.
    Thank you very much for your warm comment on mine.

  28. I hope to visit your faire beautiful country someday :) Beautiful post!! Thx for visiting the Hive today..bee blessed :)

  29. This was so lovely ! I got goosebumps - lol - which means that Im really moved by this. The picture is soo full of pride and nature.

  30. A wonderful picture and the song fits perfectly.

    Thanks for stopping by and the comment

  31. ohhhh gawddddd... I spent last summer plucking Scottish Thistle on land trust land.....acccckkkk........good photo though :)

  32. Very nice, lovely colors. :)

    Thanks for dropping by! :)

  33. What a wonderful photo and song combo. We have the thistles here too and they are a wonderful colour.
    Thanks for your lovely comment too.
    Picture Perfect: Girls Just Wanna Have Fun.

  34. Beautiful colors, both the purples and the greens!!!
    Title is perfect for the Thistle!!

  35. I love the colors in the photo. I don't know the song but I trust its a great pairing the two. Thank you for the kind words on my post this week! :o) Have a terrific weekend! TJ

  36. Love this picture - it's gorgeous, especially 'cause it's purple. lol

    Thanks for the comment on mine.

  37. Stunning shot ... lovely song .... and the thistle is certainly a "flower of Scotland" ... always loved them myself (so do my horses ... LOL)

    Picture Perfect #10: Theme Song - The Last Unicorn

  38. Really nice! =o) Thanks for dropping by!

  39. I was visiting Franks site and saw your comment. My husband is a great rugby fan and being English, we obviously support them. However However we all love The Flower Of Scotland anthem. There is something so stirring and haunting about it. Thankyou for leaving the words here. Unless they are playing against us we always cheer on Scotland and memories of the wonderful people we met and the good times we had on our visits many years back remain with us forever.

  40. yeah, some weeds are so beautiful to me, i planted them in my garden. lovely choices! Thanks for the visit ;-)

  41. Sucha beautiful picture ... loving the colors !
    Click here for my ppf

  42. Nice photo and very patriotic.
    Thanks for stopping by mine.

  43. Your photo is very beautiful. I love the purple thistle. The video worked for me and I enjoyed the little travel through the countryside there. We visited there a few years ago and loved the villages and the lochs and the pubs. It is a proud Country!

  44. I have always dreamed of going to Scotland. Very nice photo! Perfect song!
    Thanks for stopping by mine

  45. Beautiful Photo and song......and my fav color purple! Perfect for the theme....
    TY for stopping by mine and your kind comment!

  46. Loved the video. and the Photo is Great. Thanks for the chance to view.

  47. I like Scottish thistles very much.
    I posted a photo of a Scottish thistle on Jungleblogs. We even have Scottish thistles here in Canada, eh.
