Thursday 21 August 2008

Herb Thursday; Carrot and Coriander Soup

This summer I took quite a liking for Carrot and Coriander Soup. Where ever I went, I stopped off a variety of nice homely little cafes and asked for home made Carrot and Coriander soup for my lunch. Well the summer is over for me and if I want Carrot and Coriander Soup for lunch I am going to have to make it myself. So I thought I ought to look up the recipe. Sounds delicious can’t wait to try it.

Healthy Recipes

Carrot and Coriander Soup

What you need (serves 4)

  • 2 teaspoons sunflower or olive oil
  • 2 medium carrots (grated or cut into small pieces)
  • 1 medium onion (chopped)
  • 1 clove of garlic (crushed)
  • 2 tomatoes (chopped)
  • 2 celery sticks (chopped)
  • 600ml (1 pint) vegetable stock
  • 300ml (½ pint) orange juice
  • 3 tablespoons fresh coriander (chopped)
  • Seasoning

How to Make It

1.      Heat the oil, add the onion, garlic, carrot, tomatoes and celery.

2.    Cook until soft.

3.    Add the stock and seasoning.

4.    Simmer for 20-25 minutes.

5.    Add the coriander and orange juice.

6.    Puree the soup in a blender, and reheat.

7.    Check the seasoning. Garnish with additional coriander and serve with crusty bread.

Recipe kindly provided by Grampian Dieticians.

Taken directly from web site


And here is the information on the herb Coriander

Botanical: Coriandrum sativum (LINN.)

Parts Used

fruit and fresh leaves.

Coriander, an umbelliferous plant indigenous to southern Europe, is found occasionally in Britain in fields and waste places, and by the sides of rivers. It is frequently found in a semi-wild state in the east of England, having escaped from cultivation.

Description---It is an annual, with erect stems, 1 to 3 feet high, slender and branched. The lowest leaves are stalked and pinnate, the leaflets roundish or oval, slightly lobed. The segments of the uppermost leaves are linear and more divided. The flowers are in shortly-stalked umbels, five to ten rays, pale mauve, almost white, delicately pretty. The seed clusters are very symmetrical and the seeds fall as soon as ripe. The plant is bright green, shining, glabrous and intensely foetid.

Gerard described it as follows:

'The common kind of Coriander is a very striking herb, it has a round stalk full of branches, two feet long. The leaves are almost like the leaves of the parsley, but later on become more jagged, almost like the leaves of Fumitorie, but a great deal smaller and tenderer. The flowers are white and grow in round tassels like Dill.'

The inhabitants of Peru are so fond of the taste and smell of this herb that it enters into almost all their dishes, and the taste is often objectionable to any but a native. Both in Peru and in Egypt, the leaves are put into soup.

The seeds are quite round like tiny balls. They lose their disagreeable scent on drying and become fragrant- the longer they are kept, the more fragrant they become.

Coriander was originally introduced from the East, being one of the herbs brought to Britain by the Romans. As an aromatic stimulant and spice, it has been cultivated and used from very ancient times. It was employed by Hippocrates and other Greek physicians.

The name Coriandrum, used by Pliny, is derived from koros, (a bug), in reference to the foetid smell of the leaves.

Pliny tells us that 'the best (Coriander) came from Egypt,' and from thence no doubt the Israelites gained their knowledge of its properties.

The Africans are said to have called this herb by a similar name (goid), which Gesenius derives from a verb (gadad), signifying 'to cut,' in allusion to the furrowed appearance of the fruit.

It is still much used in the East as a condiment, and forms an ingredient in curry powder.

In the northern countries of Europe, the seeds are sometimes mixed with bread, but the chief consumption of Coriander seed in this country is in flavouring certain alcoholic liquors, for which purpose it is largely grown in Essex. Distillers of gin make use of it, and veterinary surgeons employ it as a drug for cattle and horses. The fruit is the only part of the plant that seems to have any medical or dietetical reputation.

Confectioners form from the seeds little, round pink and white comfits for children.

It is included in the British Pharmacopceia, but it is chiefly used to disguise unpleasant medicine.

A power of conferring immortality is thought by the Chinese to be a property of the seeds.

Turner says (1551): '"Coriandre layd to wyth breade or barly mele is good for Saynt Antonyes fyre" (the erysipelas: so called because it was supposed to have been cured by the intercession of St. Anthony). Coriander cakes are seldom made now.'


Sow in mild, dry weather in April, in shallow drills, about 1/2 inch deep and 8 or 9 inches apart, and cover it evenly with the soil. The seeds are slow in germinating. The seeds may also be sown in March, in heat, for planting out in May.

As the seeds ripen, about August, the disagreeable odour gives place to a pleasant aroma, and the plant is then cut down with sickles and when dry the fruit is threshed out.

Parts UsedThe fruit, and sometimes for salads and soups - the fresh leaves.

The fruit (so-called seeds) are of globular form, beaked, finely ribbed, yellowish-brown 1/5 inch in diameter, with five longitudinal ridges, separable into two halves (the mericarps), each of which is concave internally and shows two broad, longitudinal oil cells (vittae). The seeds have an aromatic taste and, when crushed, a characteristic odour.

---Constituents---Coriander fruit contains about 1 per cent of volatile oil, which is the active ingredient. It is pale yellow or colourless, and has the odour of Coriander and a mild aromatic taste. The fruit yields about 5 per cent of ash and contains also malic acid, tannin and some fatty matter.

---Medicinal Action and Uses---Stimulant, aromatic and carminative. The powdered fruit, fluid extract and oil are chiefly used medicinally as flavouring to disguise the taste of active purgatives and correct their griping tendencies.


---Preparations---Powdered fruit: dose, 10 to 60 grains. Fluid extract, 5 to 30 drops. B.P.: dose, 1/2 to 3 drops.

Taken directly from web stie




  1. this sounds amazing.... low calorie too..... I have cut and pasted this in my recipe file......

  2. Will have to try this recipe. I don't think I've ever put orange juice in a soup.

  3. oh its the orange juice that gives it a tang..................I have taken to eating this followed if at all possible by carrot cake..mmmmmmmmmmmmmm love it

  4. I will certainly try this soup. It is similar to a squash soup that we make, which I like very much. I have learned something here. In the US, we call the seeds Coriander and the leaves Cilantro or Chinese parsley (often mistaken for Italian flat-leaf parsley.) This particularly interests me, because we can't get the children to eat cooked carrots, but they will eat pureed soup. They call it 'potage', from my time in France and my favorite lunch. Thank you Loretta.

  5. I used to make a carrot-orange soup many yrs ago......this sounds interesting. I like coriander.

  6. Another one I missed. This sounds delicious. I used to grow Cilantro but wasn't able to find it this year.

  7. great post! I just ran into this,
    mmm I just just noticed this was dated in august-do you know if Sea linked you up on this one already? otherwise let me know, and I will set up link for herbs today
