Saturday 23 August 2008

Song Saturday; 'Green green grass of home', Joan Baez

Information from Wikipedia,


Joan Baez


Joan Chandos Baez (born January 9, 1941) is an American folk singer and songwriter known for her very individual and recognisable vocal style. Many of her songs are topical and deal with social issues.

Some of her best known hits are; "Diamonds & Rust" and her covers of Phil Ochs' "There But For Fortune" and The Band's "The Night They Drove Old Dixie Down" and to a lesser extent, "We Shall Overcome," "Love Is Just A Four-Letter Word" and "Farewell Angelina", as well as, "Sweet Sir Galahad," and "Joe Hill" (songs she performed at the 1969 Woodstock festival). She is also well known due to her early and long-lasting relationship with Bob Dylan and her even longer-lasting passion for activism, notably in the areas of non-violence, civil and human rights and, in more recent years, the environment.

Baez has performed publicly for nearly 50 years, released over 30 albums and recorded songs in at least eight languages. She is known as a folk singer although her music has strayed from folk after the 1960s, to cover just about everything from rock and pop to country and gospel. Although a songwriter herself, especially in the mid-1970s, Baez is most often regarded as an interpreter of other people's work, covering songs by Woody Guthrie, Pete Seeger, Bob Dylan, The Beatles, Jackson Browne, Paul Simon, The Rolling Stones, Stevie Wonder and a myriad of other artists. In more recent years, she has found success interpreting songs of diverse songwriters such as Steve Earle, Natalie Merchant and Ryan Adams. She has an impressive  three-octave vocal range which gives herb the ability to re-interpret a wide variety of other artists work.


Lyrics from


The old home town looks the same as I step down

from the train, And there meet me is my Mama and

my Papa. Down the road I look and there runs Mary

hair of gold and lips like cherries. It's good to

touch the green, green grass of home.


The old house is still standing tho' the paint is

cracked and dry, And there's that old oak tree

that I used to play on. Down the lane I walk with

my sweet Mary, hair of gold and lips like

cherries. It's good to touch the green, green

grass of home. Yes, they'll all come to meet me,

arms reaching, smiling sweetly. It's good to touch

the green, green grass of home.


Then I awake and look around me, to the four grey

wall that surround me And then I realize that I

was only dreaming. There's a guard and sad old

padre Arm in arm we'll walk at daybreak. Again I

touch the green, green grass of home. Yes, they'll

all meet together in the shade of that old oak

tree As we neath indeed the green, green grass of




Joan has also been known to turn her had to painting at times.



      • This is the first of two wall paintings Joan has done at Chez Papa Restaurant in Paris, France. The uniqueness of the paintings at Chez Papa is that they were done using both paints and various food products! This one was done in 1995.




Second wall painting;


      • This is the second of the wall paintings Joan has done at Chez Papa. This one, titled "The Angel and The Commandant," was done in 1997.


Thank you Brunson;

      • This is a painting completed by Joan in the summer of 1997 while she was visiting the small town of Brusson, Italy. The painting was a way of expressing her thanks to the town and the kindness they showed her while she was there



  1. Joan Baez was the first singer/song writer who introduced me to a more "grown-up" world of music. The popular music of the time, rarely had a 'message'; music was standards (Sinatra), show and movie tunes, dance music and comic type tunes (Spike Jones.) We had our own wonderful music, Rock and Roll, but alas, not 'message' music. Of course many others followed and the "Folk Music" revolution took us by storm. I later discovered my beloved Jazz and a fine introduction to classical music. I credit Joan Baez with my first steps into a diverse world of musical expression.

    I am not sure how I missed it, but this is my first time to see her art work. I am most impressed with that talent too. Thank you Loretta.

  2. i had no idea that she is a painter! and very talented, too. thanks for sharing these, the song is lovely.

  3. What can I say? Only to add my 'I didn't know she was a painter'. I love restaurants that have paintings and writings like this one on the walls. It adds to the good food served there. There used to be an Argentine restaurant where I used to live. They made their own pasta. I so miss that restaurant.

  4. I've known Joan only as a guitar-strumming singer. Now I see that she also used the brush aside from the guitar. She's talented.
