Saturday 30 August 2008

Song Saturday, Dory Previn

I think this lady is first and foremost a poet , an extraordinarly  good poet.

So many people have dismissed Dory Previn as the lunatic ex-wife of world famous Andre Previn. Personally I think if yr ol’ man who is also your working partner and yr salvation from a life of abuse and misuse; dumps your for the utterly gorgeous waif like Mia Farrow; at a time in your life when your mental health is frail to start with. ………….well need I say more? The woman is entitled to a bit of a breakdown. And anyway it all happened so long ago

Dory Previn was the wife of André Previn in the Sixties. Together they worked on music for the films ‘Inside Daisy Clover’, ‘Valley of the Doll’s, and ‘The Sterile Cuckoo’’ , she won an Oscar for that one. When André left Dory for Mia Farrow, Dory had a serious and prolonged breakdown. One way out of her own personal crisis was her song writing. This time she did it for herself not for her husband or for the film industry; she did it just for herself. Already in her mid-forties she released her almost biographical and deeply confessional, ‘On My Way to Where’, which came out in 1970. Her second album of this period, ‘’Mythical Kings and Iguanas’’, (my own personal favourite), was released in 1971. The third album of this period, ‘’Reflections in a Mud Puddle’’.,was voted one of the best albums of 1972

She is quoted as saying “They were all based on true experiences but the music I write for films is not. These songs were for me. I know myself better than anyone else, so it helped me. It was self-revelation.”

She pulled back from music for awhile, and wrote two autobiographies, Midnight Baby: an Autobiography’ (1976, ISBN 0-02-299000-4) and, Bogtrotter: An Autobiography with Lyrics (1980, ISBN 0-385-14708-2). The latter title refers to her Irish heritage: "bogtrotter" is a derogatory term for an Irish person.

Midnight baby a autobiography

                                                             This is the story of her sad childhood and early adult life  prior to her becoming   composer, lyricist, author, playwright and recording artist. She was born Dorothy Langan at exactly midnight into an Irish and repressively Catholic family. She was schooled in an equally repressive Catholic school where she was forbidden to use her left hand for writing, a sad story relived in her song ‘ To a left hand lost’.  She grew up during the ‘depression’ with a father who had been gassed in WWI and left prone to spontaneous rage and deep depression. She was, supposedly the apple of her father's eye but his rages and uncertain behaviour left its mark on her. Dory became a successful lyricist for cinema theme songs in the 1960s and  1970s, she gained three Academy Award nominations for best song. She partnered her then husband on songs written for: Judy Garland, Doris Day, Jack Jones, Sammy Davis, Jr., Frank Sinatra, Dionne Warwick, Bobby Darin and many others. Little wonder she went in to crisis when he left.


Lyrics to Mary C. Brown And The Hollywood Sign,

 you know the hollywood sign
that stands in the hollywood hills
i don't think the christ of the andes
ever blessed so many ills
the hollywood sign seems to smile
like it's constantly saying "cheese"
i doubt if the statue of liberty
ever welcomed more refugees

give me your poor
your tired your pimps
you carhops your cowboys
your midgets your chimps
give me your freaks
your whores your harlots
your flunkies your junkies
give me your starlets

mary cecilia brown
rode to town on a malibu bus
she climbed to the top
of the hollywood sign
and with the smallest possible fuss
she jumped off the letter "h"
'cause she did not become a star
she died in less than a minute and a half
she looked a bit like hedy lamarr

sometimes i have this dream
when the time comes for me to go
i will climb that hill
and i'll hang myself
from the second or third letter "o"

when mary cecilia jumped
she finally made the grade
her name was in the obituary column
of both the daily trades

i hope the hollywood sign
cries for the town it touches
the lady of lourdes in her grotto
saw fewer cripples and crutches

give me your poor
your maladjusted
your sick and your beat
and your sad and your busted
give me your has-beens
give me your twisted
your loners your losers
give me your black-listed

you know the hollywood sign
the witness to our confusion
a symbol of dreams
turns out to be
a sign
of disillusion.


The pre-amble to this next song, ‘The left hand song’, is a sarcastic review of the nuns forcing her to use her right hand rather than her left.


Lyrics to Left Hand Lost :

the left hand is
we always say
the demon devil's side
the left had does
the dirty work
the shameful things
you hide
judas kissed the left cheek of christ
it's satan's special mark
there were no left-footed animals
allowed on noah's ark
left-handed people are impure
they go against the grain
left-handed children
play with themselves
and drive themselves insane

i was born left-handed
but the nuns where i went to school
they said it wasn't right so they
broke me of it
and now i'm right-handed
just like i'm supposed to be
and now
i'm fine
i'm just fine

but sometimes
i get so low so low
i get so depressed
as though i lost
a part of me that loved me
the part that knew me best
the child in me that cried
to be cherished
the side of me
that tried to be my friend
in the heart of me was living
and loving
but it perished
and i'll never be
completely me again

my right had fills the china teacups
and needlepoints with old maid aunts
my right hand clings to rosary beads
and waters dying plants
but it's never painted a picture
nor has it run for president
my left hand
might have done these things
if its roots
had not been bent
a sculptor
a poet
it might have been
instead of a useless thing
to decorate with bangles and bracelets
and my mother's wedding ring

it might have accomplished
or nothing
but now i'll never know
my lost
my left
my natural hand
my god
i miss you so


  1. I didnt know that about Dory Previns bkgr but my mom knew her from school many yrs ago. She said she always was strange.

  2. Thank you for providing another excellent lesson. I'm embarrassed to say that yes I know of her ex-husband, but had no idea she was as good an artist as he. I enjoy hearing stories like hers. She has gained so much and her ex has lost even more. Bravo, Dory!

  3. oh my ..............yr mom knew her, I have always loved her music. You say she was odd, well I did read that one of her songs is explicitly about incest but she never addresses that in any of her books so who knows what went on. She was a deeply disturbed woman and it seems as if her relationship with Andre Previn provided some sort of stability for a while, then when he went every thing collapsed around her. Its so sad. Also..... carrying on from previous conversations; I read some comments on the net where she was compared to Janis Joplin and Amy Winehouse because of her poor childhood, her fragile mental health and her wonderful talent. Seems the three of them shared this

  4. I would not label Dory Previn as a lunatic, or even strange - or out of the normal. There is something that happens in people with artistic temperament and creative minds. They come across to so called 'normal' people as being weird or strange. They are judged for their idiosyncrasies, rather than seeing their preoccupation with their creative side. I'm not talking about Prima Donna behavior, from the likes of Madonna or Diana Ross. This is before they start believing their own publicity and think that they have been promoted to Queen; forgetting that they were also gutter snipes at one time. Through my work and travels, over the years, I have met quite a few celebrities from artists, authors actors, directors, producers, musicians and politicians. There is a vulnerability, sensitivity and fear of not succeeding, that seems to be just hiding beneath the surface. One actor once said to me "I am always concerned that the day will come when they will realize that I am not as good as all that." That was 45 years ago and he is still working in movies, on the stage and in television. I mention all of this because most of these labels come from film and music critics and entertainment journalists. The majority of whom have no credentials; in entertainment, journalism or psychiatry. I personally feel quite sorry for celebrities who get pegged with a 'bum rap' by someone who just needed to have something to say at the moment. For some, the behavior is there to sell their product. For others, it is there because that is their life. I have know quite a few 'bogtrotters', in my time, that is a hard enough repression to overcome in itself. Having that background to deal with and then being abandoned, as she was, The only label that should be put on that woman is "creative and talented survivor."

  5. amazing, breathtaking and very powerful! i was previously not familiar with her works, THANK YOU SO MUCH for this introduction. she is brilliant! just for the record, i was supposed to be left handed, too......our youngest is left handed. ; D

  6. Only one of my daughters is left handed but strangely not only are her two children left handed, but so are both my other two daughters children...............all four of my grandchildren are left handed.

  7. i can still remember being switched. luis wanted me to switch our E when he was little, but i flat out refused to do so. i guess the memories of what i went through are deeper in my subconscious than i ever realized.....that song really hit home!

  8. Guess we were lucky neither myself or my sisters were left handed so we were OK and by the time I had my girls attitudes had changed and my daughter was left alone. BUT...........I do remember realizing how difficult it was for left handed people, such silly things stick in my mind, like I couldn't show her how to tie her shoe laces, she couldn't learn how to use an ordinary pair of scissors or potato peeler, I found it difficult to show her how to sew or knit...............just about every thing you should be showing your daughter becomes difficult because you have to figure out how to do it back to front. That song struck a chord with me too because of watching my daughter struggle to learn ordinary things

  9. it's remarkable, you mentioning the shoe tieing thing. our E was always so very serious about certain things.....and his wanting to learn how to tie his shoes was one of those subjects. luckily, i had a friend who is left handed. her suggestion to me was to simply have him watch me, face other words, like a mirror! brilliant, in its simplicity. well, evan and i had our date scheduled for the shoe lacing lesson, and that was what i did. being the bright bunny that he is, he learned it in one lesson! it just goes to show, that all really does happen for a reason. while folks may not have been as enlightened as i was growing up, i am so thankful that I was, and could do a wee bit better for my child. ; D
