I have come to the conclusion I am a very ‘image’ orientated person and losing the use of my camera has been a bit like losing the use of a limb, or more accurately like losing one of the senses. BUT…. Sitting here, looking in sadness at my camera my eyes drifted toward my scanner…hmmmmm images I thought.
Then I remembered this little book. I have been meaning to share bits of this book for ages. I came across the book by accident, it was in a huge box of paper intended for recycling that had been sent down from the HE department (home economics) and I was sorting through it to make sure it was all suitable for recycling. Buried at the bottom of the box were this and two other similar books. They were obviously used by the HE department in pre-computer/ internet times to introduce the pupils to the benefits of good eating. I couldn’t bring myself to throw them away, I think they are delightful, simple, beautifully illustrated books from a time that seems like yesterday but was in fact over 30 years ago. So… not being in a position to go out and take pictures, I thought I would scan the book and share it with you.
OH I remembner books like this, school's just not the same any more. These pictures can all be enlarged by clicking and they are big enough to actually read the text.