Wednesday 8 April 2009

Happy Easter to you all

Happy Easter to you all.

I thought I had better do this while I have the chance. My little laptop crashed last night and I still haven't got around to 'phoning the guy about the PC (which crashed sometime last month which is why I was using the laptop in the first place !!). So here I sit at the public library checking my emails and looking up a few bits and pieces before heading off home. I'm off to my sisters for a few days over the Easter holidays which means I probably wont get the chance to sort out the PC before I leave. The plan is to take the laptop with me, my sister can usually sort out the technical/ computer stuff and then phone the guy about getting the PC fixed. But for now I have resorted to public library facilities. Hope you all have a wonderful, wonderful Easter. I leave you with one of my favourite paintings;

A Summer Day, Machrihanish 1898, by William McTaggart. To see the rest of his paintings follow the link




  1. hi Brenda...............have a great Easter and don't let that horrid woman spoil things for you :)

  2. The same to you, Loretta. Have an enjoyable time with your family and hope you get your computer problems sorted out soon.

  3. thanks, sure I will I have just been too busy with the kitchen to worry about the computer but I'll sort it out now. must get off this thing now seems we are only allowed one hour at a time in the library....

  4. happy Easter to you too.... have been away.. but read your last blog about the kitchen.... not caught up for comments yet.. but glad your stress level is reduced.... have a lovely visit, catch you when you return!

  5. Have a very nice little holiday with your sis.

  6. A well deserved and much needed break I'm sure. Have yourself a very nice relaxing holiday. Happy Easter Loretta.

  7. Have a wondeful Easter, Loretta. I hope you get the puters all sorted out.

  8. computer problems are such a pest . hope yours will soon be sorted. have a lovely holiday. nice painting!

  9. What a lovely painting - reminds me of the sea I just left. I hope you have a wonderful holiday. Do you have nieces and nephews to celebrate with? I remember dying Easter eggs and getting Easter candy.

  10. Enjoy the visit with your sis. Have a beautiful Easter! ((HUGS))

  11. computer problems 'suck' lol hope you get yours resolved soon,,and have a wonderful time at your sisters,,what a needed break! have a Happy and Blessed Easter!!
