Friday 17 April 2009

Back from my Holiday but still sitting in the Library !!




Sad but true.............still no computer at home! So here I sit in the public library downloading all my holiday pics into flickr and attempting to catch up with a few people.  The situation is, the laptop is not salvagable and the desk-top looks like it has suffered the same fate. I have managed to find a reconditioned desktop on eBay fairly cheap. Think I can still use the monitor, keyboard and mouse that I have so hopefully the eBay find will solve my problems, all I am wauting for now is a delivery date. Lets hope it's soon.

The holiday was just what I needed, some time out with family, lots of food, lots of wine and lots of chat. My sisters and their respective families are a hospitibal lot and it has been a while so there was a lot of catching up to do.


We had a pretty amazing day out with my grandaughter to a place called West Lodge Farm Park where she fed lambs, stroked pigs and generally had a great time. I'm hoping if I bring photos over here from flickr you can see them.......oh this not having a computer at home is very inconvenient, can't wait for the new one to arrive so every thing can go back to normal.

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This was the highlight of the holiday for my granddaughter..............she loved it, check it out;



  1. welcome back! wonderful photos, and so sorry to hear about your computers.


  3. Hello you!
    Feeding the lambs is a favourite of my girls too!! They often go to a place called Cantref farm.. they have pig races there too!!
    Glad you had a fantastic time away - much luck with the computers

  4. Oh, I know from my days in Florida how hard it is to use library computers. Thank goodness for them, but they are often slow. The picture of the two girls in the lane is lovely, so peaceful. They could be two faeries on their way to Lothlorien.

  5. It is good to see you back Loretta. It is great that you had a good holiday, your kitchen is functional once again and then there is that good find on eBay. I hope to see you soon.

  6. I have done the "library" thing before too! I always figure it is better than having no computer at all! Plus I get to use their ink for really cheap!! LOL Still was nice to hear from you where ever you are!!!

  7. Its amazing how much a computer becomes part of our life. I know that when my service goes out now and then, I suddenly feel cut off from the world. At least you were able to pop in at the library to let us know. Hopefully you will be back soon. Looks like your holiday was wonderful tho :)

  8. so glad you had such a wonderful vacation time with family,,you have some wonderful photos,,hope your ebay computer find works out, and soon,,i would sooo miss my computer if something happened to it,,gosh, i'd feel like my life was cut off as i have everything on here,,makes me think i'd better save some things in case the unmentionable should happen,,it can happen without warning as we all know,,anyways, glad to know you had a wonderful time and hopefully you'll be back more soon,,have a good day........

  9. Glad you enjoyed your holiday. Too bad about your computers. May I suggest you destroy the hard drives if they're not serviceable as there is lots of personal information stored on them? I read that a couple in Cincinnati left their old HD in a shop, which I won't name, that promised to destroy it for them but sold it on EBay instead. Luckily the person who bought it was honest and contacted them. I don't like using public computers either and would certainly erase my history of the pages I visited if I did.

  10. Computer problems are awful, too frustrating. I've had to use the library's a lot in the past before I got my dinoputer #2 - an oldie but goodie. You sound refreshed after your holiday. Liked your pictures.

  11. so glad you had some relaxing time.... and the pics are here... pretty too....

  12. Welcome back Loretta. Glad you got some well deserved respite.
    So SORRY to hear about your computers. That's a real bummer. If it weren't so expensive, I'd ship you my old computer.... complete with xP.....

  13. Very nice pictures. Looks like you are really enjoying your time away from the computer.

  14. You can upload pictures at the library? I didn't know that. Sometimes I am in library mode also when I visit family.

    Hope you will be all set up soon.
