Monday 27 April 2009

Random Thoughts; and think I would like Chickens.

The new computer is great, no problems here, but would you soon as  I downloaded all the photographs from my camera......the camera died!!!!
Looks like I am camera-less for a while unless I get it fixed because, having just paid out on a computer, I don't think I'll be paying out on a new camera for a while.
I loved my camera...........a Fujifilm finePix S5000, a very much appreciated gift from a friend.
Even with a new efficient computer I don't seem to have the time to spend here the way I used too, there always seems so much to do. I am organising a whole school 'Green Awareness Day' at the school which is very time demanding, I've also bought lots of bulbs and wild flowers for the pupils to plant. The wild flower patch at the top of my garden is beginning to look good. For the first time I have a thick patch of forget-me-nots growing in the corner under the old apple tree. There are wild, old fashioned primroses behind the composter and bluebells poking up through the periwinkle. Oh how I wish I could go photo it all for you  .....SIGHHHHH
I have managed to cut the hedge to a level I think will be easier to maintain and I'm hoping this will help it to grow thicker and encourage the birds to nest.
Now.............I don't know a lot about bumble bees but I seem to have a resident one in my garden (are they Territorial??) Every time I go out there I hear the low steady drone of a pot bellied, fat little bumble bee, and then I always see him in the same area of the garden. Actually I always thinking of 'him' as 'him', but in reality this could be me seeing lots of different bumble bees every time I go out...........SO...........ARE they territorial? is this the same one I keep seeing??

The chicken at the top is a Scotts Grey, Apparently an old Scottish breed and particularly suitable for this climate. I love her..........she is so cute...........just wish I could keep her but I'm still not at all sure my garden is big enough.
And now...............since I don't have lots of pictures to show you, I'm off to do a bit of an 'Art' blog...........this has been a while in coming and I'm really looking forward to it.


  1. Errrrrr, Loretta, now that one sitting on the porch is a "she", but that handsome fellow posing for the camera is most definitely a "he". (Can't you tell by his haughty expression?) LOL

  2. Bumble bees are territorial. Are you sure that it is a bumble bee and not a carpenter bee?

    Article on bumble bees:

    I like the Scotts Grey, hope you have enough room for some.

  3. I am very sorry about your camera. If that happened to me I just do not know what I would do. It's almost like an extension of me. Not to mention backing up all my pix to disks. I think the bee is a she, the chicken looks like a he. Frank snuck in before me but I was here first heehee.

  4. An old joke: what color eggs do peacocks lay?

  5. Will miss your wonderful photos. The good thing is the price of digital cameras has really come down. I'm sure you'll find one you like at a very reasonable price. I don't know about chickens though. I know my sister Jackie would give you the ones they have - as a matter of fact, they did give them away once and the person brought them back (like a bad penney?).Will visit your other pots when I have more time.

  6. Funny you should mention chickens. I've been looking into them myself. I didn't know that much about them and figured it was time to have something to care for that gave something back. Like eggs. I went to a farm last week and wasn't too fond of the roosters....they are a quarrelsome lot and I'm not too thrilled with that. But I promised a friend to look in on a gal who raises them and she can fill me in on the pros and cons. Sorry about your camera....thought we lost ours, for months and months...found it yesterday and know what a relief that was. Cheers....keep us informed about your garden project.

  7. LOL It's always something, isn't it? My camera is on the fritz right now too. Has been for some time.
    The Green Awareness Day sounds like a lot of work and a lot of fun. I love that you are teaching gardening to some of your students.
    Looking forward to your new 'Art' post.

  8. no camera? Oh no! that's tough, Loretta. Ever since I got my new digital, I wonder how I did without one. Here's to you getting a new one soon.

    I have bumblebees too. It's something that I've noticed that's common to Tasmanian gardens since I moved here a couple of years ago.
