Monday 6 April 2009

Time for a New kitchen no 9


This stage of the kitchen is finished and I am feeling so much better about things. My kitchen was always going to be done in stages because it would have been far too much to cope with having the whole kitchen ripped out and dismantled in one go, also of course I need to make sure I can afford each stage as it gets done. BUT…………the first stage is done and dusted, the whole of the back wall is tiled and grouted, the new unit, sink, taps, washing machine and dishwasher are all installed, plumbed and in good working order. The first length of black work surface is fixed and sealed. This is only one wall but it is the most important wall and the wall with the most work. The whole of this wall is tiled, all of the plumbing happens on this wall and both windows are on this wall. My new blinds were delivered tonight but I’ve decided not to hang them until the whole of the kitchen is finished, just in case they get damaged.

My stress levels have returned to normal and my relationship with the contractor is much better. Once he had finished and I had the bill, which was very reasonable, we had a chat and managed to straighten out a couple of the things that concerned me. Now that it’s done, and in spite of all my moans and raising stress levels………I have to admit, he has done a very good job!!! Maybe trying to live a normal life, get up and go to work, come home and cook tea;  etc etc……….all while chaos reigned and my kitchen disappeared was a little unrealistic and maybe unreasonably optimistic.  Almost as soon as I regained control of my kitchen the memory of how awful it felt getting here began to fade. I am so very happy to have my kitchen back, even if it is a temporary reprieve, I have spent the day baking. My daughter and granddaughter came over for tea this evening. We had carrot and sweet potato soup, home made seeded bread, mixed fruit cake and cinnamon biscuits. It’s a very long time since I have done so much cooking and baking all on the same day, it was wonderful to have my kitchen back and nice to have family to cook for.

Now I am busy negotiating a start date for the other side of the kitchen to get fixed. I think the next lot of work is due to start in about three weeks. Guess that gives me time to do the wallpapering


  1. Big smiles!! It sounds like you are really cooking, as we say here. :-}

    Just remember what I said once before, "It is the same journey, with or without the stress."

  2. glad to know things are settling down for you. the kitchen is looking wonderful!

  3. I agree with Frank, but it can be very difficult at times-so happy for you that you are able to cook and bake again. hugs Kathy

  4. oh, did the contractors replace what was damaged? hope so

  5. oh wow loretta that came out wonderful-
    now for kitchen tales 2

  6. Very glad to read this update!

    Cinnamon biscuits? That sounds good.

  7. Looking good. I agree with you about waiting to put up your new blinds. It's such a relief that the bill was reasonable too!

  8. All's well that ends well, as the saying goes. It is really looking great Loretta. It must be a joy to cook in there again. Your baked goods do sound tasty. Can not wait to hear about round 2 with the remodel. lol

  9. Yay! Way to go. Absolutely great. You've done a great job too. I know you're going to enjoy it all and it looks very spiffy.
