Saturday 7 November 2009

Song Saturday, Riders on the Storm... (and photos)

Today I went for a walk along St Cyrus beach and stood transfixed by the devastation before me. Last week we had storms and floods. Roads were closed, trees uprooted and farmers fields left looking like lakes.

As I wandered along taking photos of the beach this song just kept buzzing around my head. No video to the music but the sound quality is pretty good
……ahhhhhh the memories this brings back!!!


  1. i sure hope there was no lasting damage from the storms. great photos, excellent music!

  2. Looks like quite a severe storm you had up that way. Any damage where you live? Just had heavy rains here. Love the song, it's an old fave of mine.

  3. speaking of memories......

    that must have been quite a storm..... perfect song too.....

  4. thanks I was very lucky and suffered no damage at all..............unless you count not being able to see my daughter due to flooded and blocked roads as being 'damage'
    The floods were quite severe around here and made me realise how relatively safe my house is. It's on high land and I live in an upstairs apartment..............I'm very thankful for that now. a lot of the floods and damage was caused by blocked and broken drains as much as the rain..............there was just so much water every where the drains didn't cope. But like I said, I was lucky.

  5. Glad you are safe, terrible aftermath. Well chosen song.

  6. Fantastic pictures and a fantastic song.

  7. wow!

    you have been getting some wild weather lately


  8. This is one of my favourite Door songs. I'm glad you're safe but it looks like many people lost a lot.
