Monday 2 November 2009

The Baroque, a must for all art lovers.

Three-part series exploring the Baroque tradition in many of its key locations. Starting in Italy and following the spread of the wildfire across Europe and beyond, art critic Waldemar Januszczak takes us on a tour of the best examples of Baroque to be found, and tells the best stories behind those works.
He follows Baroque to its dark heart in Spain, focusing on the route of the pilgrimage to Santiago de Compostela and featuring star painters Velasquez, Caravaggio and Zurburan. He then carries on through Belgium and Holland to discover such celebrities as Rubens and Vermeer.

These three, one hour long programmes were on late tonight, starting at 11.00pm and going back to back until the last episode finishes at 3.00am. Sadly I have to go to bed………….if this were a weekend I would sit here glued to the TV until three in the morning. The good news is that all three programmes can be viewed any time over the next 7 days on the web-site. I’m not sure if this is viewable outside the UK, if it isn’t….. I’m truly sorry cos its worth spending the time to see.

Below is a short video of The Italian Baroque Sculptor, Painter and Architect Gianlorenzo Bernini and the Monks of St. Michael's.


  1. I expect that BBC America will have the shows available. I'll have to check to see if and when they are available in North America.

    Bernini was amazing, all one has to do is see the Piazza of St Peter's to have a lifelong appreciation for his work. I especially like the detail in the series of statues of Hades.

  2. who is doing them sometimes they are on youtube

  3. If you mean the BBC i-Player, you can't access it from outside the UK. Joanne has tried on many occasions. Hopefully they'll make it onto YT for those outside the UK.

  4. I think this may be the series and it is not available for BBC America yet, but may come into the BBC Shop on DVD soon, they often do.

    BBC FOUR Wednesday 11 March 2009
    Baroque! – From St Peter's To St Paul's Ep 1/3
    Wednesday 11 March
    9.00-10.00pm BBC FOUR (Schedule addition 23 February)

    A major new three-part series for BBC Four tells the story of the Baroque age.

    Written and presented by Waldemar Januszczak and filmed in high definition in locations across Europe, the series explores the impact of the world's first truly global art movement as it travelled from Catholic Rome to Protestant London between 1600 and 1720, before eventually ending up as the house style of the whole of Latin America.

    The Baroque is habitually presented as an era of brilliant individuals: Caravaggio in Italy, Velazquez in Spain, Rubens in Flanders and Rembrandt in Holland are some of the greatest artists that have ever lived.

    But a wider truth about the Baroque, often overlooked, is that it was an era of huge artistic achievement across the board – articulating itself through a multitude of art forms and in numerous ways. Although the Baroque can initially be understood as a powerful fight back by the Catholic Church against Protestantism, the style lost many of its religious ambitions as it spread across the world, leaving only the need to be noticed.

    Programme one looks at the birth of the movement as it burst onto the scene in Italy. It was here that all of the main characteristics of the Baroque found their earliest form: from the cinematic realism of Caravaggio to the grand illusionism of Padre Pozzo's painted ceiling in San Ignazio; from the bewildering architectural inventions of Borromini to the grand Baroque flourishes of Bernini; and from the light-hearted mythologies of the Carracci to the dark and murderous art of Naples.

  5. Thanks Frank................that is indeed the series, iIve just finished watching the ones I recorded last night and it really is a fantastic series. I'm almost asorry I posted this now because it seems none of it is available outside the Uk. I've searched youtube but no one has posted any of it there. Frank... if you happen to spot any of it available on youtube or else where on the net, or even if you hear of it being shown over there could you alert people..............its such a shame this is not available to you, hopefully it will either be released on DVD or it will be shown there on TV soon.

  6. BBC publishes a catalog "The BBC America Shop" - - it has small gift items, books and DVD's of their TV programs. I just bought the 'Tourchwood' series and 'Cranford'.

    There is a UK edition as well, "Home at BBC" -
