Wednesday 3 February 2010

Almost Spring

Almost Spring

These are just a couple of photos I took over the weekend.
I've taken photographs along this walk hundreds of times before and I'm sure you all recognise this place by now.
My reason for taking these was the pink light of the late afternoon sun.
Looking ahead of me, directly into the almost setting sun you can see the light shining pink on the sea.

Then looking behind, away from the setting sun, you can see how it lights up the land in a bright pink glow.

And back home there is the first sign of spring. Its still very cold, I still have ice on the pond and the ground is covered with crunchy frost in the mornings, but here it is, the first sign of spring in my garden.


  1. Lovely photos. Aren't snowdrops a joy?

  2. oh yes...............such a joy, they give hope and say that spring is on its way at last.

  3. I love the looks of it! And as the background also! Fabulous!
    I think my fave photo though is the one that the sun takes a bite out of the building... I love using the rays to do that! digital cameras make that so much easier to find the angle of it!

  4. love your is wonderful to see those sighns of spring!

  5. beautiful photos!~ I love the pinks of the sunsets.... amazing colors!

    and thankfully, spring is coming.... ;-)

  6. Wonderful photos. If I could move enough snow, I could see my snowdrops.

  7. LOl.................just goes to show what hardy little plants they are

  8. Well after a close look i see most excellent pics in here ,It shows you have such a gentle soul. And a sharp eyes to view the beauty around you .
    Thank you so much .

  9. I love seeing the first brave little leaves peeking through.

  10. Hope they don't get frost bitten. The almond trees bud this month and sometimes they get frozen. These are lovely photos.

  11. I really do love the evening light and how the landscapes glow.

  12. Beautiful shots Loretta. I'm the same as you in having favourite places to walk and photograph. I have a particular favourite piece of coastline called Freshwater West, it's great for sunsets. I particularly liked the shot of the sun peeping out from behind the building, and also the ones looking back.
    Spring in all over the place this year. I was in Milford (a local town) two weeks ago and there were a couple of beds of Primula already flowering, and the daffs were starting to shoot last week also.

  13. I just love the light! Thanks for sharing your walk, it's beautiful

  14. Very lovely photos Loretta. I think 4 & 5 are my favs!!

  15. lovely coastline fotos of sunset..beautiful lighting...
