Friday 12 February 2010

Selling Dover Harbour and Selling England by the Pound (for Doug)

Seems there are plans afoot to sell Dover Harbour to the highest bidder, currently I believe a French company, but ultimately it could be any one. This is the busiest ferry port in the country and one of a string of public assets which have been earmarked for privatization. This makes it among the first Port in the country to shed its Trust Port Status. I doubt most of our America friends will appreciate the horror many of us feel at the thought of this very valuable asset being sold out of public ownership and into private ownership, but trust me on this one, we Brits tend to like public ownership, especially when it involves a busy ferry port and a vital link in the transport system between the UK and mainland Europe. I dread to think what horrors the ‘free market’ can inflict on a busy ferry Port, not to mention the security issues involved. But such is 'progress' I suppose. Lets hope our Government have at least learnt a few lessons from the Kraft take over fiasco.

Read more:

And……………in appreciation of his fine taste and endless knowledge of music, this one is for Doug, ‘Selling England by the Pound’’ seems somehow very appropriate. The ending is very abrupt which is a shame but i couldn't find a better copy.


  1. China owns most of us, the part that Japan doesn't own. Saudi Arabia has loaned money as well, which Bush used to pay for his mid-east wars. Looks like the current war funding is all being loaned by China.

  2. And thanks to our Supreme Court, our entire legislative process is up for sale. Frank is right, we are owned by China, Japan, and Saudi Arabia. Some of your American friends appreciate the horror of this. Of course some of us get called socialists - and oh gosh I wasn't going to get political.

  3. OMG..............NOT the S word................only one thing worse than that........and thats the E word, sadly I'm both!! Socialist AND European, what a scary combination that must seem

  4. Oh, no, a European Socialist!! Hide the children!! Sound the alarm!!

  5. Bennett I'd just love to share a glass of wine with you, I love your humour............sadly.............tis a little far to go for a night cap :-)

  6. Some Pounds are very short and the shortest Pounds would have to be between locks in a flight - not a staircase, where one lock empties into another. The Hanwell flight for instance on the Grand Union.

    Or how about a Pound of butter?

    But seriously anyone would think that they were in France when driving out from Dover - so many towns still have French names.

  7. Just makes you wonder how the government will raise money once they are taxing everyone at 100% and have sold off the entire country and still don't have enough to cover MP's expenses.

  8. What will they be selling off next? Now if they're looking for someone to double as Mr. Bean, I'll offer up the President of Spain. I think lots of people here would even pay someone to take him!

  9. i just read about beatrix potter the all the land she donated
    i hope it is safe


  10. *shakes head is disbelief*


  11. yep..................that just about sums it up

  12. Sacre Bleu!!! Is this payback because Britain 'owned' Calais for so long????
