Monday 22 February 2010

Open letter to Mr Brown PM


Dear Mr Brown

Along with the rest of the country I have been reading reports of your alleged inappropriate behavior in the work place. I’m sure you are as dismayed about these reports as the rest of us, and in order to help you ensure this type of allegation is never levied at you again, I am enclosing something I think you and your colleagues may find useful.

I work in a school and in every room and corridor we have a couple of important rules displayed. We have found many young people in their early teenage years find it difficult to differentiate between appropriate behaviour and inappropriate behaviour. Some young people come from extremely disadvantaged backgrounds and don’t understand the concept of zero tolerance, sadly, to some, verbal and even physical abuse are a part of normal every day life. It’s our job as educators to instill into them good social skills and to teach them to be socially responsible adults. We try very hard to teach them to recognize the differences between appropriate and inappropriate behavior, we stress how important this will be in adult life. And I have to say, the vast majority of our young people leave us with good social skills and a firm grasp on what is and what is not appropriate. This is why I am sending you our two most important school rules. I think you will find these two rules invaluable, if you and your colleagues adhere to these two simple rules I can promise you these awful allegations will never be cast in your direction again.

1, Keep hands, feet and objects to yourself  AT ALL TIMES

2. No shouting, no swearing, no insults, no verbal abuse and no ‘’put downs’’ AT ANY TIME

I recommend these be copied onto A3 paper of a suitably bright colour, in large bold print and prominently displayed in every room and corridor within the work place. With these two simple rules clearly visible to every one at all times it will become second nature for someone to point them out immediately anyone has a momentary laps.

Assuring you of my best intentions at all times

Yours sincerely …………….forgetmenot


  1. At least Gordon would keep one eye on things....

  2. LOl..... sadly I don't think it's his eye sight that's the problem this time

  3. Very well put Loretta!!! That's telling him!!

  4. Actually, the picture shows how he normally greets people....

  5. Ah!,,There we are then!..We can tell its Election time...Its muck stirring time!..Yay!,,,

  6. innapropriate behaviour is innapropriate at any time of the year...........with or without elections,

  7. i hear his wife has a lovely daughter

