Tuesday 2 February 2010

Clair Short and the Iraq Inquiry

Is this it??

The truth at last??

No surprises here then!!!


  1. It's ironic how she came forth as well as Tony did at his own option. But the truth alway prevails...
    Very interesting as here Canada never joined in on Iraq yet we did in a silent way by way of the Air Force. Yet the Prime Minister here at the time Loretta decided not to go to Iraq. How much still to this day England and Canada are so much alike as I watch this.


  2. There is little doubt that Clare Short could also be describing the Bush White House and Cabinet. I'm just waiting for the day when the truth comes out that Bush and Cheney started that war because Sadam had tried to assassinate Bush's father. They had to know that Iraq wasn't involved in the 911 attack in NY.

  3. Your right but I don't think we shall see the day within our lifetime...how is it that Bush can go on a motivational campaign and meanwhile there is admissions from the United Kingdom. Perhaps it's the difference in political culture.

  4. I'm just tired of the whole thing. What really is the point? Will it change anything? Will it give us the ability to go back in time and change things? No. So lets just move on.

  5. NO.............obviously we can never go back and the past can't be changed. BUT; maybe with the help of a few brave politicians like Clair Short future politicians will think twice before blindly following other deluded world leaders and embarking on illegal wars and condoning or actually participating in torture and false imprisonment. Possibly, just possibly, but don't hold your breath, this type of enquiry will send the message to all politicians that no one is above the law and every one can and will be held accountable for their actions.

  6. Unfortunatly not similar enough.............Canada had the courage to say NO to the illegal war

  7. To be honest Frank I expected America to expose the truth sooner then the UK

  8. It's something worth hoping for, but like you said.....I'm not holding my breath it will happen any time soon.

  9. Not really, they protect each other and 'forget' conversations unless there is something to gain from it. Outing former officials as possible war criminals serves no purpose at this point. People voted in Obama to get rid of traces of Bush and his pals, including Tony Blair.

  10. No, not even Obama would risk it. The motto of our the US is often "My country right or wrong". There is a deep vein of nationalism that runs through us and woe betide the politician who exposes a lie of this sort.

  11. An investigation at this time would be a stalemate between the President and the Republicans and a number of Democrats in Congress who fell in line, including to name one, Hillary Clinton. At a time when the whole agenda of the Democrats is on the line this would be an unnecessary diversion. There are still many people who believe that Saddam was involved in 9/11.

  12. This is a stand up lady. I'm sure they just told her to "shut up". She resigned in 2003.

  13. I think it's really very interesting the so much fraud, malpractice, and hidden agendas are coming to light these days, and I don't think we're done uncovering it yet by a long chalk

  14. well said lorretta...i watched it yesterday

  15. I'm very doubtful that politicians will learn anything from this, not after all the similar things which happen in Spanish politics.

  16. maybe nor but this is better than the alternative, which is to do nothing and allow the countries top politicians to lie and deceive and never be exposed.

  17. They're exposed all the time in Spain.Just ask the German Prime Minister (about something Zapatero said but said he didn't say) but they just don't care. Some wise person, I forget who, said 3 things happen in Spain when the Socialists get into power: taxes go up, unemployment goes up and bankers get richer and all 3 have happened. Spain isn't involved in Iraq. They're in Afghanistan where there is no war, at least according to the government here there isn't.

  18. I think this whole thing is sad, there was public opposition to the war before it even started. The government were told that the war was illegal and the weapons inspectors repeatedly said they could find nothing, they practically begged to be allowed to finish their systematic search of the country.It felt as if Tony Blair & co were determined to pursue this war no matter what, they didn't want to listen to any one and they certainly didn't want any one to disagree with them. They failed to follow international law and their sole aim appeared to be to follow the US President regardless of all domestic and international opposition. Bennett said ''The motto of the US is often "My country right or wrong". There is a deep vein of nationalism that runs through us and woe betide the politician who exposes a lie of this sort.'', The way I see it is we in the UK are actually more patriotic because we are willing to expose (in this case) lies and wrong doings, to cover up a government when they do wrong is actually unpatriotic because it allows the country to stand for deceit and wrong doing.

  19. wondering if the Afghans would see it that way.............yes I know Brenda, feels like a total waste of time, except that maybe doing the right thing is an end in itself. But I do agree, we live in times of lies,deceit and conspiracies and there doesn't seem to be very much any of us can do about it.

  20. I agree with you completely, Loretta. And I know this isn't the issue here, but I don't understand why people are so against their own interests ie health care in the US. I'm American and I hope saying this doesn't make me unpatriotic in any way, but maybe I view things differently. I'm not a politician but if I make a mistake or do something wrong, I will admit it. Not everyone is like that and I don't know many or any politicians who are.

  21. It sort of is the same thing, its just more people distorting the truth to suit their own agendas
