Monday 5 July 2010

Drawing class Easter to Summer

The one thing I made a point of not missing has been my monday evening drawing class.


  1. it is really good that you kept this quality time for yourself. nice job, Loretta!

  2. I agree with Deb, important to do things for yourself-nice works-thanks for sharing with us

  3. Nicely done. I admire people who can draw or sketch.

    I used to enjoy sketching a lot, then in later life I developed a problem with proportion and measurement. My pictures weren't being done to scale. I was told that I have spatial issues, if so, it doesn't show up anywhere else.

  4. lol... I was late to class that week and all the 'good' places had been taken. I was left with an unpopular position adjacent to the head looking down along the body. . Believe me Bennett.. I would not have chosen to set myself such a difficult task on purpose... serves me right for being late lol..............

  5. I can draw but have never attempted the drawing of still life nudes, all i can say it is brilliant................................Frank.T......

  6. Thanks..............but compared to some others in the class not that brilliant really. I think my life class is what I get most out of and what I enjoy the most, I like drawing and painting of all sorts but the life class is definitely the best. I would recommend it to any one.

  7. fraid I have absolutely no idea what you mean Doug, :-)

  8. Thanks for all the nice comments folks, it really is appreciated.
