Tuesday 24 May 2011

Garden 2011 no7

Garden 2011 no 7
After the Storm

Compared to the rest of the world, what we call storm damage is minimal. And; bearing this in mind, I thought I should take a closer look at the damage to my garden.
First thing you notice is that I’ve lost my side gate, It’s very warped and twisted and the hinges have been ripped out of the wall, I think it’s beyond repair so I guess I need a new gate as well as a fence.

The pallets that were piled up ready to be made into my fence were scattered around the garden. Some were smashed and broken but most are OK to use.

I hope my bird box was not actually in use, it has a nest inside and there have been chicks, I just hope they all flew away before the storm.

I think this little nest came from the apple tree, again I hope the birds had already flown.

The apple tree itself looks the way it does in autumn. It was full of blossom but now there is no blossom and hardly any leaves. I suppose this means there will be none of those bright red crab apples this year.

I used them last year in jam, looks like I’ll be buying my apples for jam this year.

Most of the blossom and leaves seems to have ended up in the pond.

I’m not at all sure what caused this. The leaves on two of my shrubs have gone black and died.

I’m pretty sure they were ok before the storm but I don’t know how the storm managed to do this to them.

And here is hope. Amidst all this debris is  a new flower. The little pink flower bloomed today after the storm……………..



  1. gosh, what a storm you've had! and how thankful you must be, it could have been far worse. i love the little sea thrift blossom.....and i am a bit tired right now, so i am don't know what the other is. interesting, you have started your garden make over.....perhaps the storm was helping you? i think the black leaves are due to too much water and wind from that storm. i have a crabapple tree, too. sorry your blossoms have all blown away. : * (

  2. So glad to hear that your damage is minimal compared to what it could have been.

    Storms all over the world are getting to be just awful experiences. I'm watching TV right now with live coverage of three tornadoes on the ground in Oklahoma (State north of Texas) with wind funnel rotation of 200 miles per hour. This follows the storms that hit that part of the country yesterday.

  3. storms are just no fun-sorry about your gate and fence

  4. I am sorry about the damage done but glad it wasn't worse♥

  5. Sorry about your storm damage, Loretta. On the bright side your grass looks nice and green! I hope the birds are ok too and that they come back once you get everything back in order! Wishing no more storms come your way!

  6. Sorry about the damage. I hope everything recuperates.

  7. Wow, that is a mess. It shows how strong the winds were to blow those pallets around, they're not light!!

  8. I'm glad it's not a complete loss.

  9. I have been around "many a moon" and I have never really been scared of storms before, but I am starting to feel very uncomfortable when one is expected. Sorry so much of your hard work went down the drain, Loretta.
    It must feel frustrating.

  10. Thats exactly how I feel now, I am the one who used to sit at the window and enjoy the thunder storms, but now it all seems so sinister, and it scares me. It scares me because once you're indoors on your own you just never know how bad things are going to get, but like I said, i feel almost like a fraud because there are others around the world who have lost every thing because of the storms, all I lost was a tidy garden.
    Thanks to every one for your concern, I'm lucky, every thing is ok here now

  11. Thanks for your advice Deb, I'm still a bit confused about this, I've never seen plants turn black and wither in a storm before but I guess you're right, it must have been the wind and the rain, it couldn't be any thing else.

  12. I've ben watching this too, it must be terrifying for those poor people, I was scared and we had nothing near as bad as that.

  13. When I first read about the black leaves, I had no idea but when I thought about "wind damage" something clicked. I once bought some flowering dogwoods for my mom and brought them them home in a pick-up truck. The leaves turn black and the young trees died within a couple of weeks. I learned that excessive wind would do that.

  14. Thanks Vero................thats more or lass what i thought but its nice to have it confirmed. I have never experienced winds strong enough to do that before, that sort of damage is new to me. I think thats my budlia dead, and it was so pretty, a very deep dark purple, almost black. It was quite unusual, I bought it because the colour was so unusual. Maybe it will revive and flower again guess i'll have to wait and see.

  15. Buddleia are pretty hard to kill so even if the foliage is dead now it may come back from the roots...send up new growth.

  16. Very disappointing for you after all your hard work. You had plenty of work to get on with, now there's more you didn't need with the clean up.
