Monday 23 May 2011

power cuts and high winds.

I don't think I have ever known wind like this. The met office site says we have winds of 44 mph with gusts up to 65mph. I've had no electricity for an hour, the power is back on now but I'm not sure for how long. I've spent some time in the garden trying to secure things. I have all the wood piled up in my garden ready for the fences being built and I'm having visions of it sailing away on a gust of wind and smashing into someones windows, all I can do is try to pile it up together and hope the weight of it keeps it in one place.  I've put as many things in my shed as possible but I think my garden is going to be one big mess when this is over. It's made worse because I've just had all the hedging removed which has left the garden open to the wind.  The tree opposite my house has lost some branches, there was a man from the council there when I came home from work, he was trying to tidy away the felled wood  and make the area safe. The picture above is a big tree that stands just opposite my house, hard to see from this how much it's swaying in the wind, but take my word for it, its moving around quite a lot. The wind is howling around outside and where ever I go in my house I can hear it. I called my daughter on my cell to make sure she's ok, her house is quite rural,  she had no power and they had a tree down in their garden which they were trying to deal with.

Guess I better go cook while I still have power.....................


  1. Take care!! I hope you come out of this all right! There was a very bad storm in Missouri that killed over 80 people - yours won't be as bad, of course, but these storms are still scary.

    The tree doesn't show the wind, but the cloud formation does.

  2. Just been hearing about it on the news. Looks pretty bad in some parts of Scotland. Lots of damage from falling trees and flying debris. It should start to ease off into the night, but still quite gusty. Take care.

  3. Wow, the wind sounds quite nasty. I hope it dies down soon for you and your gardens sake.

  4. Having lived with excessive winds and storms all of last month, I know what you are going through. Let's hope that it passes quickly.

  5. We've got it here too, Loretta. Just heard on the news on Tay FM Dundee'd had 100 mph winds, trees blown down and the Tay bridge is closed.

  6. OMG and the sky is looking quite ominous! please do take care, Loretta.

  7. winds can be very devastating.... take care and be safe....

  8. Hope your garden fares well and you don't lose power again. It must be hard and difficult to walk in such strong wind. Be careful.

  9. I reckon I can bear all weather conditions, except wind. High winds make it really hard to do anything outside and usually there's damage to trees. Take care.

  10. thanks for your concern, latest news reports say that the wind is gusting at 100mph, but I think its dying down a bit now.
    OMG..............when my daughter said she had a tree down in her garden, this is not what I expected. But on the plus side, she doesn't have to worry about firewood for the next year or so

  11. Hope you don't lose your power again and that things settle down.

  12. Stay safe and I will keep you in my thoughts...

  13. Does seem like we are having erratic weather problems all over. We always had some but not as frequent as now.
    Take care

  14. I hope there will not be too much damage.

  15. Mother nature is P O'd at the lot of us! Hope you rode it out and all are OK.
