Tuesday 24 May 2011

Good Morning folks..............I seem to have survived the 100mph winds and torrential rain. Looking out of the window all I see is blue skies a gentle breeze and birds singing on the rooftops. I've seen the news. Those poor people in Joplin were not so lucky. I can't believe what I am seeing, my heart goes out to all those people who have lost every thing. A reality check when we need one, makes all of us here realise how lucky we are.


  1. Isn't that the truth! I just got finished reading about a couple, who are Katrina survivors, finding their dog in the rubble of their home. Earthquakes and tornadoes are frightening. Hope the strong winds haven't brought you any volcanic ash.

  2. glad you are okay all is okay here way to hot and dry for us need water badley next week we have to start rationing

  3. Also glad you are ok. Very glad!

  4. Pleased to hear that it is over. Those blue skies and singing birds are always such a wonderful gift.

  5. glad to hear you and yours are doing ok... my prayers go out to those in joplin... : (

  6. Glad to hear you're ok. I guess next thing you'll be getting covered in ash from Iceland.

  7. i heard on the news this morning that we had funnel clouds and ihgh wind around here last night

    i slept right through it


  8. I heard about the Icelandic volcano erupting. Wondering if you'll get ash fallout where you are. Good to hear the windstorm has passed. It's awfully grey here today with winter conditions, cold and gloomy outside. All that grey glare is lousy (sorry for the winge, but looking out my window just now...urk).
