Sunday 8 May 2011

Sunday Morning ( and more rain)

Sunday Morning ( and more rain)

AND..... really cool music :-)

It has rained for another day….. think that’s about four days in a row now. Couldn’t get out in the garden, had nothing planned, expected no visitors and no one was expecting me. Bored, bored, bored,……………..

Last week, on impulse, I bought a second hand bread maker and a tiny coffee maker at the boot sale ( second hand market).

Figured today was a good day to try it out, brewed myself a cup of strong coffee, read the bread maker instructions and made my first batch of bread. Not my first EVER bread, just the first loaf using the bread maker. The results were ok but I think it could be better, will have to try out different settings and experiment a little. Then decided to use up all the odds and ends of veg and make a pan of soup,

followed by a sponge cake…………

So that was my Sunday, oh I hope it stops raining tomorrow; but on the bright side.............I've got soup, home made bread and cake to take to work for my lunch tomorrow, so not a completely wasted day 


  1. uummmmmm

    sounds good

    and i bet the house smells wonderfull


  2. Hi Nemo, yep the whole thing cheered me up, and it did smell quite nice for a while.
    Hope you mother got to the airport Ok :-)

  3. she is off safe and sound

    we had everybody over yesterday
    my brothers
    the kids
    the grandkids
    made a mess of my front yard
    but it was a lot of fun


  4. yeah... thanks.... I thought so too. Its one I had managed to forget about, glad I remembered :-)

  5. Perfect things to do when pouring down outside!!


  6. Can't complain about our Sunday weather as we had sun. I made some banana nut bread from some overripe bananas. I love homemade bread and you just reminded me that I have a recipe I want to try out before it gets too hot.

  7. Sounds like the perfect way to spend a rainy day. That soup looks scrumptious!

  8. We seem to be having the fabled April showers. I may get some work done in between....

  9. This is all great. When stuck indoors, getting creative in the kitchen is a good thing. I've got a coffee machine so I know that they are a great thing to have. btw, my kitchen scales are identical to yours.
